怎样用FPGA实现FSK调制解调? 伪随机序列的互相关性


求英语高手帮小弟翻译一篇文章,小弟感激不尽,不能用翻译工具! Spread spectrum communication multiple address system because of their excellent multi-access access,low intercept probability,anti-jamming and strong character such as confidential military communications make it in,satellite communication and civilian areas to be used.For composite sequence spread spectrum multi-access interference system of communication research has the important practical significance.M series with good because pseudo-random characteristics are widely used toward secrecy from a parochial view communication,spread spectrum communication and code division multiple access(cdma)communication system.The m series shut the each other between the calculating has been m series in the study of a difficult problem.Research shows that:the m series the each other between close function can be attributed to m series and its a sampling sequence the each other between close function.Based on the summarization of spread spectrum multi-access systems communication 。

怎样用FPGA实现FSK调制解调? 伪随机序列的互相关性

如何从物理实现过程去理解扩频通信? 资料:在发射端将\"1\"用11000100110,而将\"0\"用00110010110去代替,这个过程就实现了扩频,…

怎样用FPGA实现FSK调制解调? 伪随机序列的互相关性

扩频码都有哪几种,一般具有什么特征 建议你看看通信类教材 讲扩频通信的书很多 扩频码又叫伪随机序列 是具有良好自相关性和弱互相关的序列 伪随机序列有很多种如m序列 M序列 Gold序列等等 cdma中的地址码是。

怎样用FPGA实现FSK调制解调? 伪随机序列的互相关性

怎样用FPGA实现FSK调制解调? FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),即现场可编程门阵列,它是在PAL、GAL、CPLD等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物。它是作为专用集成电路(ASIC)领域中的一种半定制电路而出现的,既解决了定制电路的不足,又克服了原有可编程器件门电路数有限的缺点。FPGA的开发相对于传统PC、单片机的开发有很大不同。FPGA以并行运算为主,以硬件描述语言来实现;相比于PC或单片机(无论是冯诺依曼结构还是哈佛结构)的顺序操作有很大区别,也造成了FPGA开发入门较难。目前国内有专业的FPGA外协开发厂家,如[北京中科鼎桥ZKDQ-TECH]等。FPGA开发需要从顶层设计、模块分层、逻辑实现、软硬件调试等多方面着手。


