英语书面表达假如你是李华,打算今年暑假到美国纽约旅游 Dear Tom,As you have asked,my may holiday would be to rest(because of the burden from school and excercising)and to visit my grandparents in the countryside.Of course,I will tell them about或者这一个Dear Tom,How are you getting on these days?I’ve just finished my final exam.After working hard for a long time,I really want to have a good rest during the winter vacation.First,I’m going to watch some interesting movies and read some good books.Then,it’s time to communicate with my parents.I wish to share my happiness and sadness with them.Besides,I plan to help do some housework.At last,I hope to be a volunteer,helping the old and disabled as much as possible.In this way,I can know about the world better.By the way,how will you spend your vacation?英语作文:假定你是李华了,你的澳大利亚朋友打算十一月份来中国旅游,来信询问有关旅游景点的情.写一封信 Dear Tom,It is really great to learn that you will come to China to have a journey in November.And i am pleasing to tell you the details about what you're asking about the exciting travel.Hereby,i wil.(2009.全国卷II)书面表达(满分30分) Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter for asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old.Along this 800-meter street,there are than 300 shops.As the street is in the center of Beijing,just to the south of Tian’anmen Square,it’s very convenient to get there by bus.You may take Buses No.17,69 or 59.Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops,but also to chatters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life.I’m sure you‘ll like it.本文是书信格式,给出四个要点,属于常规文体,学生只要把四个要点写全,注意上下文,句与句之间的合理过渡即可。例:假定你存入10000元,年利率为10%,按复利计算,五年后会有多少钱?(一年计息一次)如果一年之中计算多次利息,称为连续复利.假定你存入10000元,每半年复利计息一次,年利率10%.终值计算为: 一年计息一次:F=P(1+i)^n p=10000 i=10%n=5(每年计一次,共5年)F=10000*(1+0.1)^5=16105.1 每半年计息一次F=P(1+i)^n p=10000 i=5%(年息10%,半年为5%)n=10(每半年计一次,共计10次)F=10000*(1+0.5)^10.
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