陈子豪和莫言解说我的世界 cf爱拍陈子豪莫言解说的背景英文歌


cf莫言好,还是陈子豪好,还是白鲨好 肯定是白鲨啦,陈子豪只会打生化

陈子豪和莫言解说我的世界 cf爱拍陈子豪莫言解说的背景英文歌

有谁还记得当年cf的夏佐、陈子豪、莫言,真是一代回忆呀? CF夏佐外号“终结佐”,CF生化模式骨灰级玩家,独特的解说风格,受到广大粉丝的喜欢,其代表作有《地狱十八刀》系列,年度生化系列。CF爱拍陈子豪CF爱拍陈子豪,即陈子豪,又称东少D陈子豪和生化禽兽豪。穿越火线爱拍达人,上海人现居湖南长沙。CF陈子豪是被众多CF玩家誉为左手狙神的一代狙击高手,陈子豪从2009年开始就一直在坚持不懈的创作视频。因其视频解说独树一帜,所创作视频累计播放量近6亿次,现拥有23万CF玩家粉丝,其创作作品高达1657个。东少D陈子豪,即陈子豪,号称左手狙击达人,是一名拥有众多粉丝的狙击偶像,被广大粉丝尊称为左手狙神。2创作经历CF爱拍陈子豪2009年6月4日,C陈子豪正式入住爱拍穿越火线频道发布首部作品,鬼舞老师的个人表扬,该作品累计播放量近20万次。2009年6月26日,CF陈子豪首次发布自己的个人狙击表演,这也是粉丝们首次看见陈子豪出神入化的个人狙击秀,该作品累计播放量近30万次。2009年12月21日,CF陈子豪狙击视频系列推出,该系列视频成就了陈子豪左手狙神的称号,累计播放量高达上亿万次。2013年2月11日,CF陈子豪首次制作CF微电影,都是黄金惹的祸,首次像广东CF粉丝展示了不一样的才华,该视频累计播放量近80万次。2013年1。

陈子豪和莫言解说我的世界 cf爱拍陈子豪莫言解说的背景英文歌

cf爱拍陈子豪莫言解说的背景英文歌 Remember when I took youUp to the top of the hillWe had our knives drawnThey were as sharpAs we were in loveIf god crossed usWe`d take all his drugsBurn his moneyAnd his house downAnd wait for the fire to spreadBut sometimes hate is not enoughTo turn this all to ashesTogether as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings toMake sure it crashesWe`re running to the Edge of the worldRunning running awayWe`re running to the edge of the worldI don`t know if the world will end todayI had no choiceI erased the debt of our familyLet you say goodbye With lips like dynamiteAnd everyone Turned their backsBecause they knew When we held on tightTo each other We were something fatalThat fell into the wrong handsBut sometimes hate is not enoughTo turn this all to ashesTogether as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings toMake sure it crashesWe`re running to the Edge of the worldRunning running awayWe`re running to the edge of the worldI don`t know if 。

陈子豪和莫言解说我的世界 cf爱拍陈子豪莫言解说的背景英文歌

