英语翻译 Peony-Guosetianxiang,Yongronghuagui,known as the king of flowers,cultivated in China over 1,500 years of history.Peony Garden was built in Changchun City in 1998,covering 6.56 hectares,the same year in August from Lanzhou,Gansu,Shandong Heze Peony the introduction of than 600 strains,than 1,000 peony strains.2000 and the introduction of 400 Gansu Purpura Peony.than six years of cultivation practice that Gansu Purpura Peony in Changchun without artificial protection measures can be taken in Winter,Shandong Heze Peony the cold to take simple measures that can winter,thus changing the Changchun can not open the history of peony cultivation.In early 2005,Changchun City Peony Garden re-introduction of Peony,than 10,000 of peony,of which the Central Plains Peony 2304,five color,than 30 varieties of Gansu Peony 5182,seven color,153 varieties;peony 1926 Strain,six color,63 varieties.Regardless of peonies and the introduction of foreign species.Peony planting area 。国色天香的拼音英语 国色天香National beauty and heavenly fragrance-Peony英语翻译请问“国色天香”英语怎么说 国色天香[guó sè tiān xiāng]national beauty and heavenly fragrance-peony国色天香[guó sè tiān xiāng]national beauty and heavenly fragrance-peony温江国色天香英文名 国色天乡的英文名:Floraland国色天香和蓝色阳光英语怎么写 National beauty and heavenly fragrance-Peony【国色天香】Blue sunshine【蓝色阳光】请教“国色天香”的英文 “国色天香”National beauty and heavenly fragrance“国色天香”National beauty and heavenly fragrance英语翻译 国色天香 20:34:31MAYBE,I JUSTNEED 也许我只是需要~国色天香 20:34:44SO QUIT 所以,放弃吧(我们分手吧)国色天香 20:35:13IT'S MYIDEA 这是我的想/看法国色天香 20:35:47THERE'.
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