用英语写一篇你做过的最有挑战性的事(80—100)的短文(初二水平) 一份有挑战性的工作英文


写一篇关于选择稳定的工作还是挑战的工作的英语作文 How to choose a right careerChoosing the right career can be difficult,but having a defined career direction will help people with getting a suitable job.With hard work and correct methods,you can also accomplish that goal.Now I will explain these correct methods.Before you start considering you job choice,you should test your skills first.If you are not sure what career you want,you might not be taking into account skills that you already have.Everybody is good at something,so try brainstorming and write a list of as many of your qualities as you can.You may think about factors like whether you prefer working alone or with others,and how these qualities can into a job.After that,you can ask your family and friends what they think you are good at.It is because you may have skills that you are not even aware of.You can also try speaking to a career adviser.They will help you assess your skills and personality and enable you to develop ideas about careers options 。

用英语写一篇你做过的最有挑战性的事(80—100)的短文(初二水平) 一份有挑战性的工作英文

用英文翻译:教小孩上课是一项具有挑战性的工作 It is a challenging work to teach children。

用英语写一篇你做过的最有挑战性的事(80—100)的短文(初二水平) 一份有挑战性的工作英文

用英语写一篇你做过的最有挑战性的事(80—100)的短文(初二水平) 初二大概才12-14岁~有挑战的事儿.还真心少 能写偷(qiang)亲(wen)了隔壁班的小芳么?咳咳~中文剧情梗概:六年级那年的一天,我和几个小伙伴在中山公园里玩捉迷藏,我和小明一起躲到了停车场后面的一个废弃的小屋里.小明没见到角落有根电线,一不小心就触电了,我没过多时间反应,但是知道不能徒手就救他,连忙操起旁边一根木棍,把电线拨开,并第一时间拨打了120,又拨打了小明父母的电话,后来小明得救了,成为了我最好的朋友。When i was in sixth grade,I was playing hide and seek with several friends in ZhongShan Park(中山公园,改成你们当地的)one day.I and Ultra(这个是英文名改成你朋友的)hid together into an abandoned hut behind parking lot.He just did not see the electric wire in the corner and suddenly he got an electric shock。I didn`t have too much time to think but I know I cannot save him only by my hands.So lucky there was a wooden broom lying beside him.After poking the wire away i dialed 120 at once and calling Ultra`s parents.Thank god,he saved at last and become the best firend of mine.当然如果你是女孩儿,结局可以改成from。

用英语写一篇你做过的最有挑战性的事(80—100)的短文(初二水平) 一份有挑战性的工作英文

用英文翻译:教小孩上课是一项具有挑战性的工作 It is a challenging work to teach children。teach children 后面不要加了?嗯,外国人说话没有那么麻烦 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

毕业后,她选择了一个具有挑战性的工作的英文 1.毕业后,她选择了一个具有挑战性的工作。After graduation,she chose a challenging work.2.当年,很多作家都一些做谋生,艰巨的工作赢得了别人对他们的尊重。Then,many writers who do make a living,hard work earned them the respect of others.

你面前有两份工作:一份是具有挑战性的,但是工资很高;另一份是比较稳定的那种,很容易,但是工资不高!你选哪个? 当然是选择后者啦!按照人际关系处理方案来说,优先男朋友的妈妈。按照以后的发展来看,稳定的话当然好啦,虽然工资不高,如果选择前者的话,虽然工资高,但是失败的话会给。

用英语翻译“教这么小的孩子是一项富有挑战性的工作”doing做主语 It's challenging to teach such young children as these.

