我是个成都人英语翻译 谁帮我翻译成英文----虽然我在成都上学,但我是个江西人,而且我热爱着我的家乡



我是个成都人英语翻译 谁帮我翻译成英文----虽然我在成都上学,但我是个江西人,而且我热爱着我的家乡

谁帮我翻译成英文----虽然我在成都上学,但我是个江西人,而且我热爱着我的家乡 Although I'm studying in chengdu province,i'm a student that live in Jiangxi province.And i love my hometown so much.

我是个成都人英语翻译 谁帮我翻译成英文----虽然我在成都上学,但我是个江西人,而且我热爱着我的家乡

英语翻译 和你说哦,虽然我只是初二,但是我却被称为班中的同声翻译呢.望采纳.1 In Chengdu most people of here don;t speak Mandarin at all,but speak Sichuan dialect,so I think it would be a problem for you to le.

我是个成都人英语翻译 谁帮我翻译成英文----虽然我在成都上学,但我是个江西人,而且我热爱着我的家乡

我是成都人.请译成英语. I'm from Chengdu.就够了.

英语翻译 The Jinsha ruins museum is located Sichuan's provincial capital-Chengdu,the Jinsha ruins museum was in February,2001 the archaeology discovery,my went to the Jinsha ruins last year,the Jinsha ruins has let my extremely subduing,I had to introduce people went to there

英语翻译 扬雄字子云,蜀郡成都人士.他的祖先有一个叫周伯侨的,因为他是庶子(不是世子)最早被分配到晋地的扬这个地方居住,于是就以地名作为本家的姓氏了.但是现在也不知道周伯侨是谁的后代.扬这个地方在黄河于汾水之间,周王朝衰落时候扬家有称侯的,号为扬侯.到了晋国六卿争权夺势,晋国中的韩,魏,赵三家兴起,而范中行,智伯瑶两家被消灭的时候,扬侯受到了这三家胜利者的压迫,被迫逃到楚国的巫山,于是居住在那里.到了秦朝末年,楚汉相争,扬家溯江而上,居住在巴江岸边.而扬家的扬季这个人做官做到了庐江太守.汉朝元鼎年间,为了躲避仇人扬家再次溯江而上,居于岷山的南面叫郫的地方,占有了田地一廛,建了房宅一区,世代就以农桑为业.从扬季到扬雄,五代单传,所以扬雄在蜀地就只有这一支家族了.扬雄少年好学,不进行写作,只进行对文字的整理和注解的学习和研究,博览群书,没有不了解的.为人很腼腆和不修边幅,不善于高谈阔论,喜欢默默的思考,清净很少作为,没有什么欲望,不求富贵,不介意贫贱,不高傲的装作名士,以求世间的褒奖.家产不过十金,没有儋石(很少的粮食)的储备,也过得很淡然.自有大度的神情,不是圣贤的书绝对没有兴趣,如果遇到了不顺心的人,就算是富贵之人,也不委曲求全.所以喜好辞赋。.

英语翻译 In my eyes,firstly,Chengdu is a large developing modern city.As the center of the politics、economics and culture in Chinese western area,it play an important role in the construction of region economics and city development in our country.She has advanced traffic tools and intensive traffic network and rich tourism resources,which becoming the Chinese famous traveling city and transport hub;she owns many international advanced enterprises,and technology development zone,which become the backbone of Chinese backbone.What’s She represents a special culture,that is leisure.She looks like a pretty gentle lady,which makes people enjoy themselves.In this place,people seem to have plenty time to play and everything becomes simple.Drinking some beer in the night,eating some spicy and hot food,playing cards and mahjong with friends,having a cup of tea,making Longmeng array,this is the life in Chengdu,and this is the particular leisure culture.This is also a place where to eat delicious 。


英语翻译 Three friends who I met online and I went hiking from Chengdu to Lhasa in one summer vocation,which is the most interesting trip in my memory.Two of them were last-year high school students,while they were the leaders of our team since they were proficient in a variety of outdoor survival knowledge.The other was a girl who was a third-year college student.She seemed very tender and fragile but actually strong enough to carry a 40kg bag,which rather astonished me.During the trip,we drunk the water from the mountain river,ate steamed bread,slept in tents,took the free ride and so on.Once,we were frighteded by the sands when we passed by the Xindu Bridge.Sands there were everywhere,turning the sky and people's faces into grey and yellow.Yet people there were living an energetic life,and we didn't know why.In a word,we had so many interesting things that I have really a lot to talk about.

英语翻译 Room 11,Unit 2,Building No.130,Nan'er Street,Shuangqiao Road,Chenghua District,Chengdu City,Sichuan Province,P.R.China


