你打算发明什么?把你的想法写下来.一个自然段 中午,我看见妈妈在用吸尘器吸家里的灰尘.我的脑子里突然“蹦”出了一个办法.一天,太阳火辣辣地照射着大地,一位工人叔叔正汗流满面地拿着扫帚扫地,空中到处是扬起的灰尘.我想:如果行人路过这里,灰尘不就被他们呼吸进去了吗?想着想着,我就决定把扫帚改进一下.可怎么改进呢?我苦苦地思索着.中午,我看见妈妈在用吸尘器吸家里的灰尘.我的脑子里突然“蹦”出了一个办法.于是,我拿来一把扫帚,在上面钻了一个孔,再把吸尘器装在上面,这样,我的新型吸尘器就做好了.我连忙试了试,嘿,还真灵。我自豪地叫了起来:“成功了—”这时,爸爸妈妈走了过来,看了看我的杰作,连声夸我是个爱动脑筋的好孩子.
求一词组 把某人的想法写下来
帮忙扩写于一下改成英语作文 Father and son in a special way to make friends,the way they communicate with drift bottles,write down their ideas are fitted to the bottle,they came to the sea a bottle thrown into the sea,the sea happened to someone in the swimming,the bottle just missed the him,but this father and son had gone,his angry father and son holding a bottle landed catch.
哪位好人帮忙写篇英语作文,要开学了,小妹谢过了。人在江湖飘啊,谁都有急事啊。急 I learn from newspaper and TV that there are still many children of our age can't go to school because they live in the poor and far-away districts.I feel very sad when I see how they are eager to go.