在每个人的努力下英语怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 Everyone wants to succeed,success not only to the party and bring joy to his friend.Only the diligent and unremittingly efforts will be successful.In addition to a strong will and determination,devote oneself heart and soul to is an important factor in success.As the gardener plant fruit trees,fruit trees need watering,fertilizing care can be kind of fruit。Finally,we hope that everyone can succeed

在每个人的努力下英语怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译

我们每个人都要努力 用英语怎么说 all of us should try harder

在每个人的努力下英语怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.I think it is a team project,and everyone has maken great effort.I just selected what I can manage.If I have to decide which part is completed under my leadership,I will choose OWL-S part because I have searched a lot of examples and information.I have also read some papers.Since I am not quite familiar about JAVA,I can only give some suggestions to my teammates.2.I think the biggest obstacle is language part.I can express my thoughts freely by Korean,not English.However,my friend was opposite to me.We have overcome all the difficulties and finished the project.3.I think I have learn much from this course,including the process of completing the project,the importance of team work,the arrangment and unification of informations and so on.4.If I get the second chance to do it,I think I should spend time communicationg with my teammates about the opinions.However,the biggest obstacle is I suppose.If my is as good as Korean,I will be better and come up 。

在每个人的努力下英语怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译

每个人的命运是靠自己的努力去改变的 怎么翻译英语 首先,命运是不能被改变的。但翻译:The fate of oneself base on one's struggle to change.

英语翻译 Today's success is the accumulation of yesterday,tomorrow'ssuccess is dependent on the efforts of today,success requires a processThe sentence tells us that every day's efforts are vital,success is gained byaccumulation,no one can be successful at a draught,every day should beprovided a schedule for the next day,we are all mortal,but even if we are asnail,hard,as we can see the top of the pyramid is the most beautiful scenery,so come on,let's work for tomorrow's success

英语翻译 works/studies hardfast for the youngharder to practise/practicegreater chance to win(go to)see the doctor as soon as possible.

英语翻译 1、(既然)你没有优势,你(就)必须努力.Since you have no vantage,you have to make great effort.2.好好学习,天天向上。Study hard and make progress every day.3.尊重每一个人的劳动成果。Respect other's brains.或 Respect other's fruit of labor.4.真诚的对待每一个人。Be sincere to everyone.5.加油。你能行。Come on。You can do it。【按你的问题补充帮你补上翻译了】

英语翻译 Each people all have own dream,I am no exception,I also have my own dream.However,dream and reality always some distance,we all know that the dream it the opportunity to leave those people never not hard,so it is our motivation.I made clear in my dream,I know the effort.My father told me that I was particularly interested in the letter,I may be small when the interest they decide my dream.My dream is to be a translator.I know my dream for me now there may be some far away,but I have been working hard,without the teacher family encouragement and support on the way to dream.I won't miss the opportunity to show themselves.How regardless of the outcome,I do not pride or depressed,I fight for it,no matter what the result I examine oneself,feeling no shame.A dream girl

英语翻译 1 as an olld daid gose:no pains,no gains2 Success relys on people,s own efforts3 no one knows for sure that he will be successful in the future


