两把椅子用英语怎么说?“把”(量词)要翻译出来。不要two chair two handfuls of chair两把椅子解析:handful['h?ndful]n.少数;一把;棘手事[复数handfuls或handsful]例句A good rule of thumb is to cook two handfuls of rice per person.根据经验,给每人煮两把米是.
我喜欢这把椅子。英语怎么说 I like this chair.
两把椅子用英语怎么说??“把”(量词)要翻译出来!不要two chair twohandfulsofchair两把椅子2113希望对你有帮助望采纳最佳的答5261案谢谢解析:handful['h?ndful]n.少数;4102一把;棘手事复数handfuls或handsful例句1653Agoodruleofthumbistocooktwohandfulsofriceperperson.根据经验,给每人煮两把米是够的。Foraverylargepastapotofwater,Iusuallyusetwosmallhandfulsofsalt.如果煮一大锅意大利面的水,我一般用上两小把盐。
英语翻译 1 there is a book and two dictionaries in my bookcase.2 the chair is under the table,it is red.3 Please give these things to your sister.4 where is your keys?I don't know.5 The girl has a math book in.
这就是我放书包的那把椅子用英语怎么说 这就是我放书包的那把椅子 This is the chair where I put my bookbag.This is the chair which I place for the schoolbag.This is the chair where I put my schoolbag。.
它在两把椅子之间 翻译为英语 it is between the two chairs
我们还需要两把椅子 用英语怎么说 We need two chairs.