厌氧细菌的英语单词 怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义?


厌氧,需氧用英语怎么说 anaerobic;anaerobism;anaerote厌氧aerobic需氧短语:厌氧处理 anaerobic treatment;厌氧代谢 anaerobic metabolism;厌氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration;厌氧胶粘剂 anaerobic adhesive;需氧处理 aerobic treatment;需氧代谢 aerobic metabolism;需氧发酵 aerobic fermentation;需氧呼吸 {生} aerobic respiration;例句:1.The flavor depends heavily on the type of Saccharomyces doing the eating,and very fewstrains perform well in the hostile anaerobic conditions inside a brewing tank.酒的味道严重依赖于酵母菌的品种,只有极少的菌株可以在酿酒箱中条件严苛的厌氧环境下表现良好。2.But aerating sewage is expensive and difficult;using anaerobic bacteria is cheaper and simpler.给污物充气是昂贵且困难的,不过利用厌氧细菌却便宜简单。3.This river has gained recent scientific interestdue to the presence of extremophile aerobic bacteria that dwell in thewater.这条河最近还引起了科学家的广泛兴趣,原因是他们在河流中发现了极端需氧微生物。4.Both genera are rod forms,one(Bacillus)is aerobic and the other。

厌氧细菌的英语单词 怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义?

病毒和细菌是否厌氧 不一定有好氧细菌(枯草芽孢杆菌)也有厌氧细菌(醋酸菌)还有兼性厌氧细菌(大肠杆菌)病毒式异养生物,不能利用氧气

厌氧细菌的英语单词 怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义?

阴道bv什么意思 阴道BV意思是指细菌性阴道病,英文全称是bacteria-vaginosis,所以简称BV。BV是指阴道内正常菌群失调所致的一种混合感染,但是临床及病理特征无炎症。。

厌氧细菌的英语单词 怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义?

英语翻译 2-3.Pulse spreads the water implement:The water-entering device of pulse is one kind of the principle making use of negative pressure vacuum,produce a gap on making water-entering in time,think that negative pressure destroys the streams forming one strands of stronger pulse being able to carry out undersea mixing on anaerobic acidification living things iron pool,prevent from adopt air mixing to be brought into oxygen,abuse having avoided mechanical rabble consumption electric energy at the same time,fully utilize water pump lifting waste water potential energy.The water-entering effect stirs pulse under being that pool is in progress to anaerobic living things iron.Pulse water disposal machine:2-4.Anaerobic living things iron filter chamber(UASB):Common existence of anaerobic average biochemistry handicraft stays for time be long,problem that degradation effect dispatches.But,the anaerobic living things iron technology makes the characteristic handling a technology in the waste water。

在污水处理中,厌氧菌与好氧菌适合在ph为多少的环境中工作? 一般的菌最好的PH都是6.5~7.5,但是在污水处理中,原水一般都是高碱(10左右)或者高酸(4-5),要想把PH跳到最理想的状态需要花费很多的成本,所以一般情况下,在不影响菌生长的情况下都把PH调到6-9就可以,不需要那么精确

英语翻译1,酵母菌是兼性厌氧菌,也是异养型细菌.其既能有氧呼吸,又能无氧呼吸,而酿酒利用的就是它这个特点.一般先创造有氧环境,使酵母菌大量繁殖,然后控制无氧条件,让大量的酵母菌进行酒精发酵,其实就是酵母菌在进行无氧呼吸,无氧呼吸的产物二氧化碳和酒精.无氧呼吸的全过程.第一阶段:葡萄糖在酵母菌细胞质的基质中,经过酶的催化生成丙酮酸,过程中释放少量能量.  第二阶段:在细胞质的基质中,丙酮酸在不同酶的

怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义? 怎样知道白带检查单中的英文字母含义,白带异常检查项目中白带常规检查简单有效,很容易检查出病因所在,在二级城市,例如烟台等地白带常规检查费用大致在50元以内,很多女性。

请问厌氧干式发酵和厌氧湿式发酵的 anaerobic dry fermentation 厌氧干式发酵 anaerobic wet fermentation 厌氧湿式发酵

