我打算下周去美国用英语怎么说 我们准备下周搬到美国去 英文


英语翻译 Next week is the Ocotober holiday,DO u have someplace to go?not yet,there are some places i want to go,but the time is too shortEur where do you want to go if there is enought timeUSAwhyThe usa is famous for the Disney Land,you know i have been to the Disney in France,Mom said the Disney in USA is much interesting.so i would like to visit,what abouti want to go to India if i could.i want to have a taste of the curry.the country was famous of that.

我打算下周去美国用英语怎么说 我们准备下周搬到美国去 英文


我打算下周去美国用英语怎么说 我们准备下周搬到美国去 英文


我打算下周去美国用英语怎么说 我们准备下周搬到美国去 英文

他的爸爸打算下周一去美国怎么写英语句子 他的爸爸打算下周一去美国His father is going to America next Monday.他的爸爸打算下周一去美国His father is going to America next Monday.

我想去美国翻译成英文 3c.tmall.com 广告 全日制成人英语培训学校_iBS 0基础学英语\"全封闭 m.zhibs.net 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 答案纠错 。

我准备下个月去美国。英语怎么翻译 I plan to go to America next month.

一些美国交换生下周打算到你们学校参观,你们将要和他们做什么 英语作文 要将来时态的 welcome to our school,you know students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax,so let me introduce something about it in our school.we have out-of-class activities at 4:20p.m.to 5:20p.m.In the out-of-class activities,we can read,play sports,the groups on different subjects,singing and learning knoeledge about computer.And I like sports,learning computer best.We all thought our out-of-class activities' time is too short.Becouse we have too much homework to do.I hope this to be given less,so we can take time to organize some visit and tour trips.Thank you.

我们准备下周搬到美国去 英文 I'm moving to America next week.


