保护地球的句子,谁帮我翻译一下? 1.Hand in hand to protect the earth2.We have only one earth3.Environmental pollution of trouble4.Treasure life source of water5.Don't let the earth cry。6.Save Our mother。7.To protect the environment,and protecting the earth,Our responsibility is no failure。8.Protecting the earth,it is everyone's responsibility9.Protect the Earth and for future generations a blue sky,clear water,the trees of the world10.To protect the environment,and protecting the earth,that is,the protection of their own
怎样讲好水与健康讲座 水是生命之源,人体内70%都有水的成份,水可以解渴,使肠道通畅,经常喝开水有益健康。
对于天天追养生讲座的老年人,您想说些什么? 没有生命科学常识,不了解自己,没有主见,没有自己的养生之道。真正的养生是靠自己,所谓的养生专家,都是一己之见,都是片面的。适合自己的生活习惯,自己感到舒服,就是最适合自己的养生。