请问“室友”用英语怎么说呀? 她是我的舍友英语怎么说


她是我的大学室友用英语怎么说? 她是我的大学室友。She is my college roommate.解释:college|?k?l?d?|大学示例:a private college私立大学a college campus/student大学校园/学生She's away at college in California.她去加利福尼亚上大学了。roommate['r?mme?t]室友,住在同室的人示例:My roommate gets up later than I do.我的同屋比我起得晚.He drugged his roommate and stole his money.他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱.英语翻译,我的朋友罗海燕,她是我的同桌也是我的室友,我们有着共同的爱好者,喜欢一起去逛街吃东西,一 My friend is Luo Haiyan,she is my deskmate and my roommate,we have a common lovers,we like going shopping,eating,playing together,playing table tennis,I like her very much.请问“室友”用英语怎么说呀? roommateroommate['ru:mmeit]n.室友例句:My roommate gets up later than I do.我的同屋比我起得晚.她是我的大学室友用英语怎么说:她是我的大学室友。Sheismycollegeroommate.?解释:college?k?l?d?大学示例:apri?英语翻译 1.你和你的新室友相处得如何?How are you getting along with your new roommate?2.我确实憎恨熬夜=I do hate staying up我室友的生活方式和他表姐的一点也不像英文怎么写? ic5.jac.com.cn广告 小孩一岁会说话吗?这3大误区父母早该知道的。ch.xmrzza.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间。电脑版 ?2020Baidu 。英语翻译 1.How do you get along with your roomates?2.I do hate staying up late.3.I will be thankful if you can give me some advice.4.And then,it's also harmful for her to stay up late.英语翻译 1.你和你的新室友相处得如何?How are you getting along with your new roommate?2.我确实憎恨熬夜I do hate staying up late.3.如果你给我一些建议我将很感激I will be grateful to you if you give me some suggestions.4.其次,熬夜对她也是有伤害的Secondly,staying up late will be do harm to her.舍友的英文怎么说 舍友的英文:roommate读音:英['ru?mme?t]美['rummet]n.室友例句:1、Patrick,how do you like your roommate?帕特里克,你觉得你的室友怎么样?2、Would you and your roommate like to come with me?你和你的室友愿意跟我一起去吗?扩展资料近义词1、roomie英['ru?m?;'r?m?]美['rumi]n.住在同室的人,室友例句:You didn't return her calls,so she called your roomie,who panicked and called me.你没有回她的电话,所以她打给你的室友,你的室友慌了,然后又打给我。2、chum英[t??m]美[t??m]n.室友;密友vi.结为密友例句:He's going to chum with a friend next month instead of having a room to himself.肯尼想和他的新室友拉交情,但只取得了几分成功。


