股权转让合同 英文


\ 转让的英文是:transfer股权转让协议:Shares Transfer Agreement“股权转让协议”翻译成英文怎么说? Equity Transfer Agreement股权转让协议书范本请高手翻译成英文 有如下一份股权转让协议书,请高手翻译,谢谢!A公司股权转让协议签订协议各方:出让方:G公司受让方:P公司A公司是由G公司投资设立的。股份转让协议怎么写 首先,公司转让协议书应当注意以下重要条款:第一、写明甲方和乙方的基本信息,包括名称、地址等。第二、写明经双方友好协商,本着公平的原则,达成一致的协议如下。。翻译股权转让协议英语 DefinitionsUnless otherwise defined in this agreement and any reference to legislation,the following terms and expressions will have the following meanings:1.Shareholder Rights:Given the Transferor has subscribed to the registered capital of the Corporation and is a registered shareholder on the corporate record,\"Shareholder Rights\"means the benefit of all rights attached or accruing to the registered capital pursuant to the laws of P.R.China and the Articles of Association of the Corporation.2.Registered Capital:Registered Capital\"means the total amount of the paid-up capital contributions of all shareholders of the Corporation as registered with the company registration authority.3.The Transaction:The\"Transaction\"means the assignment and transfer of 25%equity interest in the Corporation,which is a Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture established pursuant to the laws of China,beneficially owned by the Transferor in favour of the Transferee.4.Governing Laws and Regulations:。请大侠们办忙翻译成英文:股权转让协议签订日期与乙方离职日期为同一日 股权转让协议签订日期与乙方离职日期为同一日.The signing of the Stock Transfer Agreement coincides with the date of_'s resignation.空格里填上名字.自己翻译的,这样比较地道.:)一人有限公司股权转让协议是什么 一、一人有限责任公司股权转让协议鉴于甲方欲整体转让其投资于某有限公司(下称某公司)的全部股权,甲、乙双方已于二00四年十月二十七日签订“股权收购意向合同书”(下称。\ cession[5seFEn]n.割让,转让,[律]让与(他人)债权 transfer our equity 股权转让股份转让协议范本,设立公司后股份转让是常常发生的事情?那么股份转让协议书,作为法律文书到底该如何写呢?下面提供几个范本供大家参考。

