英语看图写话 根据每小题 我正在英语考试有一题不会请各位帮忙(看图写话的)



看图写话:根据图示和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。(每小题2分,计8分)要求:1. 使用全部的提示 小题1:There is a guitar near the window.小题2:Running is good for our lungs.小题3:She/The girl feels/is lonely because she has no friends.小题4:She has been in the U.S.A for 5 years.试题分析:小题1:根据图画及英语提示应是在窗户附近有一把吉他,所以是There is a guitar near the window.小题2:根据图画及英语提示应是跑步对你的肺有好处,所以是Running is good for our lungs.小题3:根据图画及英语提示应是这个女孩觉得孤独因为她没有朋友,所以是She/The girl feels/is lonely because she has no friends.小题4:根据图画及英语提示应是她在美国呆了五年了,所以是She has been in the U.S.A for 5 years.

看图写话:根据图片和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。(每题1分) 小题1:ring stand for parts___ 小题1:The rings stand for the five parts of the world.小题2:I do well in 小题3:We should put litter into the dustbin.小题4:Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.试题分析:小题1:ring戒指,环状物。Stand for 固定词组代表,象征,句意:环形代表着世界的五个部分。小题2:do well in在某方面擅长,句意:我擅长英语。小题3:put…into…把什么放进什么去,句意:我们应该把垃圾放到垃圾桶里去小题4:be bad for sth对…有害,句意:在太阳下读书对眼睛有害。

初二英语题!求解!必采纳!看图写话一提 Let's toast to our success让我们为我们的成就干杯(如果有语病请见谅。华语不是我的强项)

初二英语写短文先有2题看图写话 第一幅图写的大概是一个人乱丢瓶子 一个人劝他 关键词:mind not throw about2.老师告诉我下次别迟到 teacher ask not be late写短文假如你叫刘燕 是一个14岁的女孩 过去很胖 不喜欢运动 喜欢吃甜食 于是你开始锻炼 有游泳 跑步 爬山 并选择吃健康食品 现在你健康 你认为运动使你健康 My name is liuyan.I'm a fourteen years old girl,I used to very fat.I dislike excerise,because I think it makes me very tired.I like cakes best because they're 。

我正在英语考试有一题不会请各位帮忙(看图写话的) I went to Great WaII last year.

初三英语题求解必采纳 看图写话一小题

看图写话(根据图片和所给的英语提示写句子) 7.Linda often takes a walk in the park after supper.

这道题是看图并且写话(英语的),至少五句以上. One day,an old man is ill.a woman coming his bedroom and she giving him medicals.Than the old man feel better.

