猜水果英语 猜几个英语谜语


根据英文提示,请你猜猜看这是表格中的哪种水果? 如图,等腰三角形ABC中,AB=AC,角BAC=50°,角ABC平分线和AB中垂线交于O,点c沿EF折叠后与点O重合

猜水果英语 猜几个英语谜语

用英语描述一种水果让同学们猜水果的名字 香蕉It's yellow,it's very tasty,it is like a moon.They are famous in some countries.

猜水果英语 猜几个英语谜语

英语翻译 I have a close friend who did not like fruits.However,because of me,he has become gradually fond of those tasteful fruits which contains rich vitamins.Guess which fruits does he like.To tell you secretly,I'd like to eat lemons and oranges.I think you have got it。Yes,because I like those fruits,of course,he also likes them.Lemon is one of the most medicially valuable fruits in the world.It contains lots of Vitamin C,citric acid,malic acid,high-volume potassium,as well as low-volume Sodium,which are rather beneficial to our health.Lemon juice is a kind of tasty drink which is easy to make.Mixed with sugar,ice cubes,or icy water,the juice can be drunk directly.Its sweet-and-sour flavor,and faint fragrance are refreshing and lasting.So far,lemon juice has widely accepted around the world.As to orange,I will leave it unspoken,giving you an opportunity to learn about it by yourself.总算翻完了,感觉又作了一次翻译作业.

猜水果英语 猜几个英语谜语

急求5个关于水果的英语谜语 1、dressed in green clothes,his stomach liquid,penny all black faces—抄watermelon身穿绿衣裳,肚里水汪汪,生的子儿多,个个黑脸膛bai。du—西瓜。2、hacked-at trees,rattan,curved vine to hang a bell crystal—grapes弯弯树,弯弯藤,藤上zhi挂个水晶铃。葡萄。3、it has red face,and green leaves—apple红脸蛋,绿叶子。苹果。4、they are yellow,and kind of long—–bananas它们是黄色的,而且个头有点长。香蕉。5、it’s a furit.it’s also a color.what is it?–orange.它是一种水果,dao也是一种颜色。桔子。6、a red coat,white body and black heart.—litchi红色的果皮,白色的果肉,黑色的核儿。荔枝。

谁有一些关于水果的小谜语,要英语的啊,急啊记住要越简单的越好 Have you heard the saying:what goes up must come down?Well what goes up and never goes down?2.My thunder comes before my lightning.My lightning comes before my rain.My rain dries up all the land it t.

猜一猜图片上有什么水果 用英语怎么说 Can you guess what fruit in the picture?

谁有一些关于水果的小谜语,要英语的啊,急啊记住要越… What is red or green,round and sometimes sweet and sometimes sour?an apple.What is tall and green with lots of small heads on it?cauliflower What is green on the outside and with lots of small green b.

猜几个英语谜语 第一题是麻雀,第二题是蝙蝠,第三题是猫,是吗?


