仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 一大盘饺子英语短语


各种求 英语翻译~~快. A large plate of boiled dumplings just five yuan,it's too cheap.Many old people enjoy to walk in the park.What is your role in this movie?Do you think of the performance?I think Beijing is one of the most popular cities for tourists to visit in china

仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 一大盘饺子英语短语

饺子用英语怎么读? 饺子的英文:dumpling,音标为:英[?d?mpl??]、美[?d?mpl??]。词性:n.面团,汤团,饺子;水果布丁例句:Jiaozi,a kind of dumpling,is a favourite food of Chinese people.饺子,一种面团布丁,是中国人十分喜爱的食物。The recipe tells how to make maple syrup dumplings.这个制法讲如何做枫糖点心。deep-dish meat and vegetable pie or a meat stew with dumplings.深盘菜,肉和蔬菜做成的馅饼或肉炖面团。Our hostess served up a large plate of steaming hot dumplings.女主人给我们端上来一大盘热气腾腾的饺子。She suggested that we should make a good-luck dumpling.她提议我们应当包一个大钱饺子。She suggested that we should make a good-luck dumpling.她提议我们应当包一个大钱饺子。To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。

仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 一大盘饺子英语短语


仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 一大盘饺子英语短语

我五元钱能得到一大盘饺子。翻译成英语 I can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan

.翻译:五元一大盘水饺 首先,我们将涉及到的单词梳理一下:盘子:plate,水饺:dumplings,根据语境及语法,这句话可以表达为:A big plate of dumplings is 5¥.希望可以帮到你.

仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子 Just five yuan to buy a large plate of dumplings 仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子 Just five yuan to buy a large plate of dumplings 你好。


仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子英文是什么 仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子Just five yuan to buy a large plate of dumplings仅仅五元钱就能买到一大盘饺子Just five yuan to buy a large plate of dumplings

翻译:五元一大盘水饺Five yuan for a big plate of dumplings.满意请及时点赞,谢谢


