石榴果汁英语 英语翻译


石榴汁英语怎么说 石榴汁Grenadine juice

石榴果汁英语 英语翻译


石榴果汁英语 英语翻译

番石榴的英文名称是什么 番石榴[园艺2113]guava;psidium guajave更多释义5261>;>;[网络短语]番石4102榴1653 Psidium guajava;guava;guayaba番石榴汁 guava juice;mls Fresh guava juice;Pink Guava番石榴甙 Guaijaverin

石榴果汁英语 英语翻译

石榴的英文单词是什么? Pomegranate读音:['p?m?gr?n?t]短语:2113common pomegranate 石榴bark of pomegranate 石榴皮pomegranate bark 石榴皮seed of pomegranate 石榴子5261pomegranate rind 石榴皮例句:1、I've drunk a cup of pomegranate juice.我已经喝4102了一杯石榴汁1653了。2、Nightly she sings on yonder pomegranate trees.每天晚上,她会在这里的石榴树上歌唱。3、Until now,the vine and the fig tree,the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit.葡萄树,无花果树,石榴树,橄榄树都没有结果子。4、Returning to the garden next day to play ball,the king's son noticed that a pomegranate tree had sprung up.第二天,王子又来到花园踢球,他发现花园中长出一棵石榴树,石榴树长得很高,还结出了果实。

石榴用英语怎么读? 石榴:21135261megranate石榴,读音:英【[meɡ'r?n?t]】美【[meɡ'r?n?t]】例句:Buy:apple,medlar,megranate,organic food,angelica.采购:枸杞,石4102榴,苹果,有机食品,当归。1653Determination of Several Kinds of Heavy Metals in Soil of Jianshui Acid MegranateProducing Area建水酸石榴产地土壤中几种重金属含量的测定n this paper,the production technology of megranate skin extract was studied,and the optimum conditions were obtained.对石榴皮提取物的制备的工艺条件进行了研究,确定了石榴皮提取的最佳条件。Based on the principles of community ecology and by the method of fuzzy clustering,this paper studied the temporal and quantitative dynamics of the arthropod community and sub-community in megranate orchard,aimed to utilize natural enemy resources for pests control.根据群落生态学原理,为了利用天敌资源开展石榴园害虫的生物防治,明确主要害虫及其天敌发生的时间动态和数量动态,对不同时期的石榴园节肢动物总群落、亚群落进行了模糊聚类。OBJECTIVE To determine the content of gallic acid 。

石榴用英语怎么说 石榴[词典]guava;punicagranatum;megranate;[植]pomegranate;granada;[例句]这是一个种植石榴和桔子的果园。This is a pomegranate and orange orchard.

英语翻译 1,body rhyme aloe beverage series 260ml×15/260ml×20 bottle bottle2,perfect 100%pomegranate juice drinks 250ml x 15 bottles3,Arirang honey grapefruit drink 260ml x 15 bottles4,Zen enzyme Apple.

“石榴”的英语是什么? 石榴的英语为pomegranate,读音:英[?p?m?gr?n?t]美[?pɑ:m?gr?n?t]。释义:n.石榴;石榴树。This is a pomegranate and orange orchard.这是一个种植石榴和桔子的果园。The fermentation techniques of pomegranate fruit wine were studied.以成熟石榴汁为原料,对石榴果酒发酵工艺进行研究。Poached prawn,pomegranate,fennel rocket salad with pomegranate tomato dressing.清蒸大虾,石榴,茴香和芝麻菜沙拉配石榴和番茄酱。A bright red apples,pears glistening yellow,crescent-like bananas,pomegranate varieties,of the mouth.有红通通的苹果、黄澄澄的梨子、月牙般的香蕉,咧了嘴的石榴。Main effects:The well-refined Pomegranate essence and Ginkgo Biloba Extract totally protect skins from aging and oxidant.主要功效:精取天然红石榴素精华与银杏精华,可全面保持肌肤e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333363396434鲜嫩,预防衰老和氧化;Objective:To separate and identify the polyphenols contained in pomegranate juice.目的:分离鉴定天然石榴汁中主要多酚类物质。According to the United States in recent research 。


