后羿射日(英文版)神话故事 Long long ago(In the ancient me),there were ten suns in the sky.In scorching heat,some people have died of sunstroke and dehydraon and all of plants can not survive.As aresult,the world was being destroyed by heat.At this me,a handsome young man whose name is Houyi appeared.He want to save the world.One day,he came to a broad field with his arrows.Then he placed an arrow against the bow-string and drew it to the full,then let his arrow go one of the suns was killed and fell down.But sll the earth was buring.So Houyi drew the bow and let the arrow go again.When the ninth fell from the sky.Houyi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Finally,houyi gained two magical pill that can make someone who take it become immortal.And Houyi wanted to give one to his girlfriend chang'e.Unfortunately,one evening,Houyi didn't at home,a thief broke into his house and order chang'e surrender the pill.Chang'e felt very helpless and didn't know how to do.So she 。
我要个3分钟左右的任何小品 [儿童e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333332643864剧本]幼儿童话剧剧本《有朋友真好》努力拼搏 05-08[儿童剧本]儿童小品:《假冒伪善的大财主》努力拼搏 05-08[儿童剧本]幼儿相声:我爱幼儿园 我爱幼儿园 佚名 12-22[儿童剧本]幼儿相声:\"大拇指\"与\"食指\"佚名 12-22[儿童剧本]同学情深 佚名 12-14[儿童剧本]圣诞剧本 科林的圣诞蜡烛(小话剧)佚名 12-13[儿童剧本]减负 家庭作业 佚名 12-08[儿童剧本]中小学元旦剧本 班长做客 佚名 12-07[儿童剧本]The hare and the tortoise 佚名 11-26[儿童剧本]第一支钢笔 佚名 11-21[儿童剧本]生日蛋糕 佚名 11-11[儿童剧本]七彩裙 佚名 11-11[儿童剧本]改造老师 佚名 11-11[儿童剧本]老松树的悲哀(小品剧本)上海市实…09-18[儿童剧本]校园独幕剧《家书》—关爱留守儿童 佚名 08-24[儿童剧本]奶油公主 佚名 08-20[儿童剧本]儿童小品剧本—我们都是好学生 佚名 06-11[儿童剧本]二话西游 佚名 05-11[儿童剧本]礼貌小品剧 佚名 04-19[儿童剧本]环保儿童剧 佚名 04-09 从前有一位神射手,名叫后羿。他练就了一身百步穿杨的好本领,立射、跪射、骑射样样精通,而且箭箭都射中靶心,几乎从来没有失过手。人们争相传颂他高超的射技,对他。
演出单1女友出嫁新郎不是我,2大话天仙配3好运来4老师我们请你吃5话剧香香猪6康定情歌舞7青花瓷 尼克拉给腿低洼里睡依哥拉盖被窝麻把你对腿那日年秋嘎给夏丽玛给搁里儿射够塞你对腿叫你叫你就不给就不给挤腿呀尼卡嘎你对腿过迟该拉他下也得是搞佳丽该塞他对腿夹并美对腿摸的塞么谁布卡嘎你对腿比呀德该谁猴达嗨亦比呀德该谁猴达嗨好得闷瑟里夫也该把他踏阿k酷驴猴呀猴奔抵达鹿嗯噶猴达嗨该塞割红麦欧亚大耶bia你该塞猴达嗨嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嗨阿k酷驴猴呀猴奔抵达鹿嗯噶猴达嗨阿k酷驴猴呀猴奔抵达鹿嗯噶猴达嗨该塞割红麦欧亚大耶bia你该塞猴达嗨嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟阿k酷驴猴呀猴奔抵达鹿嗯噶猴达嗨该塞割红麦欧亚大耶bia你该塞猴达嗨嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟music献给热爱印度歌曲的人们啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦阿机咿呀鹿给水杯玛丽给杯也开该哄加油猴达嗨也该塞玛丽给杯也开该哼给谁给牙动来亏一亏胃哈巴狗哼来塞家里呀啊给谁给抹布离水位阿伯老水拜哪里呀哎呀鹿bia鹿迈过瘾嘟嘟嘟嘟哎呀鹿bia鹿迈过瘾纳加丢大拉苏打嗨该塞割红麦欧亚大耶bia你该塞猴达嗨嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟music献给热爱印度歌曲的人们啊啊啊啊呀嘿一脚肚还过瘾软石纠脚印拉达嗨兜里给块厉害ra多美丽你该日恰达嗨努力该医牙齿。