你可以把钱存起来里用英语 如果还有剩下的钱,我想存起来。 翻译成英语


如果还有剩下的钱,我想存起来。 翻译成英语 If there are remaining money,I would like to keep up.

你可以把钱存起来里用英语 如果还有剩下的钱,我想存起来。 翻译成英语

我们英语课有个辩论赛,辩题是把钱全部花光好,还是全存起来好,还是花一半存一半好.我是把钱全花光好那一组.请帮我找5个理由英中全要. 太难啦。这里有一些,你参考一下.1 Spending all my money can help me learn to reasonably arrange it.So,I will know how to use it and how to buy things with less money.花掉所有的钱可以帮助我学会合理分配它们.所以,我会知道怎样用更少的钱买到更多的东西.2 Nowadays,almost all the things are expensive.I have to spend all my money to fulfill my desire.现在,几乎所有东西都很贵.我不得不花掉所有钱来满足我需求.3 If everyone does this,we will help our country's economy increase.如果每个人都这样做,我们便可以使我国的经济增长.4 Spending all my money makes me try to get more.And in this way,I will gradually build up this ability to get money in different ways.花掉所有的钱让我努力去得到更多.而这样,我会渐渐培养出多种方式“挣”钱的方法.5 To a certain extent,it's a good way to let us know how difficult it is to make money,for we will spend it quickly.And we will know to cherish money.在某种程度上来说,这是让我们认识到挣钱有多难的好方法.因为一旦有钱,我们会很快用完.我们就会知道珍惜.

你可以把钱存起来里用英语 如果还有剩下的钱,我想存起来。 翻译成英语


你可以把钱存起来里用英语 如果还有剩下的钱,我想存起来。 翻译成英语

“你应该把零花钱存起来”的英语 you should put the money together.

你要我把钱存到银行吗?用英语怎么说? 你要我把钱存到银行吗?do you want me to deposit the money in the bank?一柜a wardrobe of一箱a box of(这两个不太确定…)明天你带电灯来让师傅安装上bring the lamp tomorrow for the technician to fix it你挑你喜欢的鞋子然后把他们放一起choose the shoes you like and put them together

能把钱存起来基本上都是25岁了翻译成英文:It's basically 25 years old to save money


