突如其来的一场暴雨作文500字 突如其来的暴风雪作文


突如其来的幸福四年级作文 你曾被老师叫以黑板摘抄吗?你曾受过老师的表扬吗?你曾迎着同学们赞许的目光走下讲台吗?上回,我也体验了一把。下午,是摘同学摘录和老师资料的好时机,老师说“补充习题。书面表达 冬日来临,一场突如其来的暴风雪上周袭击了淮安。请以“Snowstorm。 A snowstorm hit Nanjing on Wednesday, 29th January. It got worse in the afternoon. I was at school and Mr Wang told us to go home early. On my way home, the weather was really terrible. We could only hear the wind. Snow continued to fall around us. Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. We lost our umbrellas in the wind and I nearly fell over. We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm. At last, we got on a bus and went home. The next day, I heard the noise of traffic. I looked out of the window and saw people were in a hurry to remove the snow.沙牛家书 滞留在牛市的高速公路上 目前大盘极度虚弱和敏感,未来政策面将成为这个市场关注的重点。今天虽然跌破了年线,但年线并不能在现在给予技术支撑,跌破的只是我们大家的心理线。如今的市道,宁静致远。

