资源循环利用英语作文五十个单词 水循环利用例子英语作文


关于节约用水,循环再利用水的初中英语作文 Saving waterWith the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes,it is now becoming and difficult for us to have access to drinking water.The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country.As a student,we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage.Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.As a student,what can we do in our daily life to save water?First,we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage.Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem.Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life.Second,we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving.In this way,we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.Third,we can make use of waste water.Often,waste water are not fully used before they are poured。

资源循环利用英语作文五十个单词 水循环利用例子英语作文

绿色生活的英语作文 Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption,thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions.Low-carbon life,for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life.It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.(低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量.低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度.它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题.)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day,clean furniture,water the flowers and so on.Clean,naturalmoisture;2.Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture,can absorb the smell in the closet;4.Drink tea residue,dry it,make a tea pillow comfortable,and helpto improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等.干净卫生,自然滋润;2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味;4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when,thereby 。

资源循环利用英语作文五十个单词 水循环利用例子英语作文

用英语写一篇关于水循环的小短文,并翻译 WaterWater is very important for living things.Without water there can be no life on earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.Water is found atmosteverywhere.Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.As we all have found out,water may be a solid,or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid,it may be as hard as brick,When itis a liquid,you can pour it out of a container.When it is a gas,you cannot see or feel it.Although about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water.So we should make good use of water on earth.水水对生物2113很重要,没有水,地球上就5261没有生命.所有的动植物都需要4102水.人类也需要水.水几乎无处不在.即使在1653世界上最干燥的地方,空气中也有水.水,正如你所了解的,有固态、液态和气态.当它是固态时,它可以像砖一样硬;当它是液态时,你可以将它从容器中倒出;当它是气态时,你看不见或感觉不到它.虽然地球表面70%是水覆盖着,世界上仍有许多地方缺水.所以我们要好好。

资源循环利用英语作文五十个单词 水循环利用例子英语作文


英语作文,尽量用含有同一个英标的单词,六年级,20单词 内容不限 water is very lmportant Water is very important in our daily life.People cannot live without water.We need to drink water when we are thirsty.We also need water to wash our clothes and clean the floors.Farmers must use water to grow vegetables as well.Water is very important,so we must save water.

求一遍关于环境污染的英语作文、、、带翻译。 Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,life on earth cannot survive.Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air,forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.Still measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems,to use modern methods of birth control,to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.今天,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一个重要问题.世界人口增长如此之快,世界已变得过于拥挤.我们正在利用我们的自然资源,同时污染的危险化学品的环境.如果我们继续做这个。



