小学升初中入学考试试题和答案 小学升初中英语面试试题


小升初面试题及答案 习题虽然都有答案,但是都是在自己完全答完题之后对的,在网上是问不到答案的哈不是对着答案抄袭的,那样效果不是很好,多看书小升初英语面试介绍 我晕,上面的翻译真够中国式英语,错误很多。Hello,everybody。I am glad to be here,my name is XX.I am a lively girl and eleven years old.I like music,reading andso on.My favorite class is and I am pretty good at it.I prefer mike tea to pure milk,also spicy food is my love.I like to be surrounded by my friends which is a lot.Sport,especially running make me feel exhaust and I don't like it.Thanks for listening.小学升初中入学考试试题和答案 小升初数学试卷 一 一.填空题:(每小题4分) 1.一个数,减去它的20%,再加上5,还比原来小3。那么,这个数是_。2.甲数比乙数小16%,乙数比丙数大20%,甲、乙、丙三数中,最小的数是_。小升初英语面试题 1.What's your name?2.How old are you?3.What grade are you in?4.What colour do you like?5.What animal do you like?6.What's your favourite toy?A car.7.What's your favourite colour?Red.8.What's your favourite fruit?An apple.9.What's your favourite animal?Pandas.10.What's your father?He is a policeman.11.What's your mother?She is a doctor.12.How old is your father(mother?38.(39.40.41.)13.Do you like swimming?Yes,I do.14.Do you like football?Yes,I do.15.Does your father(mother)like watching TV?Yes,he(she)does.小学升初中英语试卷 悦学堂 呀

