唱歌的李成宇 求一男一女唱的you raise me up,好像是两个小孩唱的


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唱歌的李成宇 求一男一女唱的you raise me up,好像是两个小孩唱的

李成宇谭芷韵金鹰卡通合唱的英文歌 No Words-Erik HassleEahYeah,yeahYeahYeah,yeahWalkin' homeI passed by a funeralThere was a woman thereShe was cryin'Cursin' at the GodsAnd it made me wannaRun home to youAnd I ran,ran,ranRan as fast as I couldOhNo one knows,yeahWhat tomorrow holds,yeahAll we got is here and nowAll we got is here and nowI'm not gonna waste no timeOh,no,noI'm out of words,babeNo way to explainWhy you lookin' at meWhat you doin' to meI'm out of words,babeNo way to explainWhy you lookin' at meI can't get enoughI can't get enoughI can't get enoughI can't get enoughI can't get enoughMy thoughtsMoving like a speedin' trainRunnin' home to youTryin' to catch up with themButSo many thingsI forgot to sayNow that I want toDon't know how to,babeOhNo one knows,yeahWhat tomorrow holds,yeahAll we got is here and nowAll we got is here and nowOhNo one knows,yeahWhat tomorrow holds,yeahAll we got is here and nowAll we got is here and nowI'm out of words,babeNo way 。

唱歌的李成宇 求一男一女唱的you raise me up,好像是两个小孩唱的

李成宇唱歌那么好听为什么这么多人黑 人红是非多,就是因为他太优秀了,总有人嫉妒他,其实又有多少人在他那个年纪能达到他那个高度?错就错在没在加拿大出道而是在中国。

唱歌的李成宇 求一男一女唱的you raise me up,好像是两个小孩唱的

今天中国新声代华晨宇和谁一起唱什么歌 和李成宇唱的《pork face》,和张翘唱的《趁你还年轻》


