暮光之城读后感 暮光之城》读后感当一个人类对吸血鬼说“我要和你永远在一起”。这样的爱情早已超越了人世的情愫~没有现实,没有伤害,没有一切凡事的纷扰。一个只吃动物血完好控制自己的吸血贵家族,竟然会为了爱情要大开杀戒~为什么这么完美的爱情连不同物种的生物都可以美化的催人泪下?偏偏凡事中却丑陋无比,甚至是伤害至极~以为的科幻片最后变成了爱情片。没有限制级的镜头,没有山盟海誓的对话。往往一个深情的眼神就足以打动任何人~不光光是演员卓越的表现带领我入戏,更是因为我羡慕这样的爱情~这才叫爱情。致生致死的爱情。或许只是一个来生,或许最后人永远是人,吸血鬼永远是吸血鬼一样!“你现在是我的命”彻底征服在这句话上~眼泪是无忌惮的挥洒在脸上,不知道是我羡慕的哭泣,还是因为曾经这样的话也出现在我的生命中,现在却早已截然停止了呢?男主角那样深情的眼神,没有一丝的掺假。再简单的不过的一句话,却是每个女孩子这辈子最想从心爱的人嘴巴里说出的一句话。曾经的曾经,我也曾拥有过。只不过那样的曾经早已灰飞烟灭,荡然无存~永远有多远呢?一个是生老病死的人类,一个是活了上千年都不会老去的吸血鬼。却能爱的这么执着,第一次男主角带女主角爬树,。
暮光之城的英语观后感 \"Twlight\"is talked about a romantic between a human and a vampire.Human girl Bella fall in love with a vampire named Edward who is both handsame and wise.Althought the love is not allowed and there are lots of troubles that Bella would face,they still love each other.such love touch me deeply.In the story,there is another boy who plays an improtant role in Bella's life,that is Jacob,who is also a human.In fact,he is a wolfman who is transfered after Edward left the town.Jacob is Bella's best friend and it is him who infered Bella about Edward's real identity.The relationship is complex for it concerned about two differnent group.However,it is full of love and choice.It is a perfect movie which can teach me something about couragment and love.
有哪些值得看一百遍的英文电影和英文原著书籍? 有哪些原版英文书籍值得推荐?知乎 作者:麦田圈 链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/26495153来源…
暮光之城的英语观后感 Twlight\"is talked about a romantic between a human and a vampire.Human girl Bella fall in love with a vampire named Edward who is both handsame and wise.Althought the love is not allowed and there are lots of troubles that Bella would face,they still love each other.such love touch me deeply.In the story,there is another boy who plays an improtant role in Bella's life,that is Jacob,who is also a human.In fact,he is a wolfman who is transfered after Edward left the town.Jacob is Bella's best friend and it is him who infered Bella about Edward's real identity.The relationship is complex for it concerned about two differnent group.However,it is full of love and choice.It is a perfect movie which can teach me something about couragment and love.