
英语翻译 My dream My dream is to become a cartoonist,because reading comic books is very happy to me.I want to share with you.Though in the eyes of adults cartoons is only a book delaying study,but you are mistaken.That the children like cartoon is a good thing.For example,we can say:if your test one hundred points i'll buy you a comic,then children will get a stimulation to test one hundred.Although my mother said:cartoonist had generally nothing to eat,this is my ideal!I will insist it on,and try my best.I will try to gain money by cartoons,because i know there is nothing difficult.The very thing is just to pay out,right? 今天我数学考了一百分非常高兴放学后我回到家打开门英文妈妈已经把饭菜做好了可是我却发现根据下面的开头 今天我数学考了一百分非常高兴,放学后我回到家打开门,英文妈妈已经把饭菜做好了,可是我却发现有张字条在餐桌上:儿子,有本事你英语也考一百分回来!... 我希望这次考试能得100分用英语怎么说? I hope I can get 100 scores in this examination.或者说 I hope i can score 100 marks in the examination.最好用第二个 英语翻译 Today is the Spring Festival,and the streets are busy,people are very happy.Morning,I still get up very late,and then eat breakfast,they started the Internet until noon.After eating lunch,I would go o. 英语翻译 您好,很高兴为您如果我有100块钱,我会买5本书.If I had CNY100,I would buy five books.如果我考了100分,妈妈给我100块钱.If I got 100,mama would give me CNY100.(这两句用虚拟语气)我一到公园,就会给你打电话. “我考试考了一百分”的英语翻译,谢谢 I got a one hundred marks for exam \ They've got 100 marks. They've got full marks. 我考了100分,好开心.的英语怎么说? I am so happy that I got 100 scores. 英语翻译 After the end-of-year examination,xiaoming returned home and told his parents:\"Mom,Dad,i scored 100 for two subjecs.\"After hearing this news,Mom and Dad were overjoyed.Xiaoming added\"Both added to 100.\"After hearing this,Dad was so angry that he raised his fist and was about to beat Xiaoming when mother interrupted,\"Even if you scored 40 for Mathematics,you at least score 60 for Chinese,at least one of them past right?At this moment,xiaojing whispered:\"No Mom,that's not how it should be calculated.10 for Chinese and 0 for Mathematics,added up to 100. 一楼用得是在线翻译,很多错的.=ll 我这学期英语考了100分,好开心,英文翻译 This semester I got 100 in good fun.