帮忙度过难关的英文 求英语大神助我度过难关


帮助别人渡过难关是什么成语 扶危济困【拼 音】:2113fú wēi jì5261 kùn【解 释】:扶:济:拯救.扶持4102、救济生活困苦、处境危急1653的人.比喻尽力救助别人的危难.【出 处】:明·施耐庵《水浒传》:“素知将军仗义行仁;扶危济困.不想果然如此义气。

帮忙度过难关的英文 求英语大神助我度过难关

英语作文题目2选一,什么东西让我惊喜?OR 我的朋友如何帮我度过难关? 200字左右英语作文,

帮忙度过难关的英文 求英语大神助我度过难关

帮忙翻译一句话:帮助这些学生度过难关并且尽快步入正轨。 帮助这些学生度过难关并且尽快步入正轨Helped these student pull through,and straightened out as soon as possible

帮忙度过难关的英文 求英语大神助我度过难关

帮忙写个英语作文《怎么学度过英语难关》,160词 How should I overcome difficulties in learning English.Sometimes I find is difficult.I can't remember all the new words so I don't understand the 。

英语翻译 Making use of a favourable situation to strive for success againNo pains,no gains.For many years XXX guides the leading body and the whole staff overcoming difficulties afer difficulties.Making solid progress,he opens up a all-round and harmonious road,which contributes a great deal to the development of local economy and society.Standing at a higher historic point of departure and facing honor and achievements,he stays prepared against adversities in times of peace and makes the planning beforehand.He is drawing the grand blueprint of starting a new undertaking with a pioneer’s confidence.With the aim of scintific,safe and harmonious develpoment,he intensifies efforts to readjust the industrial layout,insisting the principle of having things that will be increased and that will be controlled,that will be done and things that will not be done.Persisting in using accaccumulation to promote development and in using the development to increase accumulation,he concentrates his capital 。


帮忙把下面几个句子翻译成英语好吗?1:尽管这些钱对于这次灾难来说微不足道.2渡过难关,重建家园. 1:Although the money for the disaster is not worth mentioning.2;through,to rebuild their homes.

求英语大神助我度过难关 ,不是吧你


