关于环境污染的英语 有关环境污染问题的英语小短文


关于保护环境的英语作文 有关环境保护的英语作文(1)With the improvement of our living standard,and people can afford a car.As a result,our roads are often than not crammed with cars.However,with

关于环境污染的英语 有关环境污染问题的英语小短文


关于环境污染的英语 有关环境污染问题的英语小短文

关于保护环境的英语句子,简短一些 Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it.Only by saving the environment can save ourselves.只有我们改变2113对待环境的态度,我我们才能5261和它4102更好地相处。只1653有我们拯救了环境,我们才能拯救自己。2.When the sky blue again,the rivers become clean,and the grass is always green,we'll live a healthier and happier life.当天空再次湛蓝,河水变得清澈,草地永远碧绿,我们才会拥有更健康更快乐的生活。3.If we go on polluting water,the last drop of water will be our tears.如果我们继续污染水资源,世界上最后一滴水将会使我们的眼泪。4.Saving oer environment is everyone's duty.挽救我们的环境是每个人的责任。5.Our earth is just our future.我们的地球就是我们的未来。6.To protect the earth is to protect ourselves.保护地球就是保护我们自己。7.Everyone should remember that we have olny one earth.每个人都应该谨记,我们只有一个地球。8.Not a clean environment,then the living conditions favourable meaningless.没有一个清洁的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义。。

关于环境污染的英语 有关环境污染问题的英语小短文


保护环境的英语作文,120字左右。 Protect EnvironmentToday there is and pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse.So we have to know how to protect the environment.Here are some ways.今天有更多的污染和环境.

写一些和疾病、环境污染有关的英文单词或词组? toxins 毒素、pollution 污染2113;污染物、5261chimneys 烟囱、filters 过滤器、4102industrial emissions 工业排放物、rubber waste 橡胶废物、cancer 癌症、pulmonary 肺结核、anemia 贫血、apoplexy 中风、enteritis 肠炎、malaria 疟疾1653,等等。单词解析:一、filters1、读音:英['f?lt?(r)]美['f?lt?r]2、翻译:n.过滤器;滤色镜;滤光器v.过滤;渗透3、例句:We usually clear the water with a filter.我们通常用过滤器使水净化。二、pollution1、读音:英[p?'lu??n]美[p?'lu??n]2、翻译:n.污染;污染物3、例句:They devised proposals to deal with air pollution.他们构想出处理空气污染的方案。三、chimneys1、读音:英['t??mni]美['t??mni]2、翻译:n.烟囱3、例句:The explosion toppled the old chimney.这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱给炸倒了。四、cancer1、读音:英['k?ns?(r)]美['k?ns?r]2、翻译:n.癌;肿瘤;毒瘤3、例句:He was afflicted with cancer.他患了癌症。五、pulmonary1、读音:英['p?lm?n?ri]美['p?lm?neri]2、翻译:adj.肺的;肺部的;肺状的3、例句:All parts are used medicinally 。

有关保护环境的英语词组 环境保护 environmental protection提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance生态系统 ecosystem生态示范区 ecological demonstration region生态农业 ecoagriculture生态旅游 ecotourism自然保护区 nature reserve可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy防风防沙林 windbreak and sand break宜人的生活环境 pleasant environment节能 save energy减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption环保产品 environment—friendly product全球变暖 global warming低碳经济 low carbon economy清洁可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources核能 nuclear energy太阳能 solar energy大功率电器 high-powered electrical appliance二氧化碳 carbon dioxide气候变化 climate change

有关保护环境的英语词组 1、保护和改善生活和生态环境protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment2、保护珍贵动植物protect rare animals and plants3、普及环保知识popularize environmental protection knowledge4、增强环境意识enhance the awareness of the importance of environmental protection5、改善生态环境improve the eco-environment6、加强生态建设improve the eco-construction7、防治污染prevent and control pollution8、加强水土保持reinforce the conservation of water and soil9、加强城市绿化strengthen the greening of the city10、提高环境管理水平raise the environmental management level11、享受国家一级保护enjoy first-class protection of the State12、加强环境保护strengthen environmental protection13、保持生态平衡keep ecological balance14、创造良好生态环境create apleasant ecological environment15、采用环保技术adopt environmental protection technique16、开展保护野生动物advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals宣传教育17、开展绿色活动 advocate green 。


