英语翻译 Wishes teacher happiness.A bottle of wine equal all the life.
英语翻译 We all have to go through something in our life.This is just a small episode.Don't worry,baby.We will work it out.Everything willbe alright.So many people who love you and whom you love are trying to.
哈哈。您的本来就是汉语啊。还把英语翻译成汉语。看来您真的有些慌张。哈哈。我来帮帮你。Honey。We arebe together now。Neither of us should leave again。right/OK?I will not give up you,our love neither。I hope you.
“也许,不久后一别就是一辈子!可有些话注定无法说出口!剩下的日子我会好好珍惜!”英语怎么说? Perhaps,the absence means farewell for lifetime.I could not bring myself to say what was in my heart,but I will cherish the rest days.
英语翻译 Certainly,a lifetime is a lifetime,one year,one month,one day or one hour will not do.
英语翻译 you have been here(once)for a while,i will miss you three score and ten(in all my life).