水果的英语ppt 求英文PPt,关于夏季健康饮食的


关于水果的少儿英语教案 Unit 4 Would you like some apples?一、Topic课题:Unit 4 Would you like some apples?二、Teaching Aims教学目标:知识目标(Knowledge):1.To help students learn to use these phrases:a cup of…a glass of…a bag of…2.Review and consolidate the vocabulary about food,drink and fruits.3.Through studying the text to help the students to comprehend the story and try to retell.能力目标(Ability):To further develop student’s ability to practice in pairs and work in groups.情感目标(Feeling):Stimulate student’s interest in learning English.三、Key&Important items教学重、难点Key words:Love,grapes,tomato,popcorn,bowl,pasta,cheese.Sandwiches,burgers,stomach,maybe,sick,parents,worry,ice,soup,coca-cola,lemonade.Communication sentences:Would you like some apples?Yes,I’d like to.No,thank you.What does the man want to have?Which room does the man choose?What pets does the woman want?四、Materials for Teaching教具准备picturesfood(grapes,small tomatoes,popcorns)word cardscup,。

水果的英语ppt 求英文PPt,关于夏季健康饮食的

求英文PPt,关于夏季健康饮食的 我认为可以这么来讲:开头提到夏天来临时大家都会计划好美丽的假期,如游泳或者沙滩漫步等,但是健康的身体是实现一切计划的前提再次给大家讲一下一些“Healthy Summer Diet Tips”1.high temperature 会让你身体水分.

水果的英语ppt 求英文PPt,关于夏季健康饮食的


水果的英语ppt 求英文PPt,关于夏季健康饮食的

急求有趣的英语课堂游戏(关于水果的)!!!!! 一,“2113苹果蹲”游戏。规则,5261叫六个学生,老师规定每4102个学生所代表的水果单词,接下来指1653定一个同学先说“apple蹲,apple蹲完orange蹲\"那么代表orange的学生立即蹲并要求另一个代表水果的同学蹲,速度由慢到快。二,水果代表对。老师按单词将学生分成六组并规定哪组代表哪个水果,比如A队代表apple,当老师指到黑板上的这个单词或者拿出这个水果时A队所有人迅速站起来大声将此单词读两遍,其他几组类似。还有很多游戏,有的游戏只需稍加改变就可应用!

如何制作精美的ppt水果页面? 方法/步骤 3 4 点击文件后,再网上下载一张水果图片,这时候ppt精美水果页面就制作完成了。1、本文适合新手操作,简单易学。2、如果您觉得方法还不错,别忘记点个赞,您的。


请用英语介绍2~3个水果 下列资料来源于普渡大学网站,图文并茂。在GOOGLE里输入你想知道的水果的英文单词,“空格”+site:hort.purdue.edu/ext/senior/fruits/就可以找到关于该水果的果实、枝干、叶子、种子等对应的详细介绍。例:orange site:hort.purdue.edu/ext/senior/fruits/manggo site:hort.purdue.edu/ext/senior/fruits/Apple-Fruit 苹果Apples have a rounded shape with a depression at the top where the stem is attached.Some apples are almost perfectly round,while others are rounded at the top and narrower at the bottom.In addition,some have knobby lobes at the calyx end(bottom)of the fruit.Apple fruits are firm and the skin is shiny and smooth.The color of the skin can be red,green,yellow,or a combination of those colors.The flesh is white or ivory.Pear-Fruit 梨子Pears have a distinctive bell shape fruit.Some pears have knobby lobes at the base of the fruit while others are smooth at the base.The skin of the fruit ranges in color from green,yellow,red,brown,pink,or a combination of these colors.Pear flesh is white 。

水果英语单词哪个PPT 看你篇幅长短了一般来说,应当在当中插入水果的图片,再从ppt的那些固定排版模式中根据自己的需要选一个,就你开篇要介绍什么水果,就在开始先放一个它的图片,我觉得比较直观!


