哪个学校有偏机电方面的英语翻译硕士?急求 机电学院 翻译


“西北工业大学机电学院”怎么翻译成英文 School of Mechatronics;Northwestern Polytechnical University西工大英文官网上有西工大所有的学院都是用School的


汽车工程学院,机电学院.怎么翻译? 汽车工程学院的英文:Institute of Automotive Engineering 北京建筑工程学院机电与汽车工程学院 school of mechanical-electronic and automobile engineering,简称smeae。

哪个学校有偏机电方面的英语翻译硕士?急求 哈工大的MTI学的就是机电科技英语翻译。

汽车工程学院,机电学院.怎么翻译? Auto Engineering Institute Institute of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering

英语翻译 Please come with me,next we came to an Anne electromechanical school districts,this design similar to the four square in ancient China from,on behalf of the east,south,west and north four directions,mean square electromechanical welcome students to the school.Among the four square is\"crystal fountain\",this is also a feature of mechanical。Every major holiday,beautiful fountains spouted out from here,the scene is very strong light。Students can see four square and crystal fountain what contact between?It originated in Chinese yin-yang theory\"nature round placeThe attention of everyone,the front is blue waves bridge,here is where mechanical and electronic young men and women dating.And this lake is the largest lake in the mechanical,you know what it's called it-that is,it was the tabor zhanquan electromechanical campus glistening Mosaic this gem.Lake lake deep about ten metres,pure green,color shades.The lake is rich,have many kinds of rare species of aquatic life.Everyone to remember 。

机电学院怎么用英语翻译 Electromechanical college;或者 Electrical and Mechanical college,college才是学院,外国学校里college为学院的意思。The college of Mechanic and Electronic Engineering是机电工程学院

