麻烦谁能帮我把这几篇文章译成英语,就剩35点了,都给你 1.The director to film\"Confucius\",attracted some controversy.\"Shenzhen Daily,\"a recent article that\"the emotional drama is interspersed with profanity saints;Some people believe that martial arts is a gimmick to Confucius.Others worry about the director distortion of history,fear commercialization.Historical themes of the film is not to restore the historic,but not to the preparation of history textbooks;even then serious history is a serious drama,it is difficult not Joking doping elements.If you insist on the logic for the film's artistic director rivalry talk,we may be able to explore how the art of true performance;As for the movie just how close to the historical truth requires,I think you do not need much discussion.2.\"Art of War\"has always been revered by the soldiers,known as the originator of military studies.Anglo-American law in many countries such as Japan and Russia have\"The Art of War\"translation,widespread,well received.Japanese entrepreneurs will be the first\"Art of。
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