表示问好的英语对话 打电话要用的英语对话常用语都有什么?


创编英语歌谣 【教学目标】(一)知识技能目标:1.懂、会读、会说、会写单词hungry,dinner,now,all right,great。2.能听懂、会读、会写句子What’s the time?It’s 2 o’clock.Is it 8 o。

表示问好的英语对话 打电话要用的英语对话常用语都有什么?

怎么用英语写互相问候的对话,写写 A:Hello,My name is Lucy.B:Hi,My name is Lily.A:How are you?B:I am fine Thankyou,And you?A:I am fine,tahnks.

表示问好的英语对话 打电话要用的英语对话常用语都有什么?

英语问候的对话 Hello。How are you?Hi,fine.And you?I'm fine too.—Would you like something to drink?Tea,juice or coffee?Coffee,Ok?No problem.And here's some milk.Make yourself at home.I prefer juice to coffee.—What about going to the cinema later?I heard a new movie would be shown there.Would you like to go with me?Really?I think I'd love to,but I'm afaid I can't come.I'll go to the library with Mary Jane half an hour later.—What a pity。It's not interesting to see a movie alone,you know.How about tomorrow evening?Well,let me see.Aha,I'll be free tomorrow evening.I think I can go with you.Let's make it at 7:30p.m,right?All right.Well see you tomorrow.—See you.觉得还行的话就采纳为满意答案吧。

表示问好的英语对话 打电话要用的英语对话常用语都有什么?

为什么很多人学了很多年英语,却不能跟外国人简单交流? 国内课本的英语和日常欧美生活的英语有很大的差别。如果课本按照日常口语来教,你一定不会是这样子。在…

小学英语说课是不要全英文的?还是说中英文都可以 小学英语说课如果是参加一些重要的比赛,建议用全英文。如果就是一般的教研课,那就中英文结合。小学英语说课全英版和中英文结合版附后:小学英语说课全英版Good morning,。


