我们需要一个紧急关头沉着冷静的人(crisis)怎么翻译成英语 手工翻译,保证准确!We need a person who can keep calm in a crisis.
英语翻译 My largest advantage is that I am always calm when facing matters.I will analysis the reason why it happened and try to find out the best way to deal with it.However,I am nervous when speak to the pub.
“随着年龄的增长,我们会变得更加沉着冷静”用英语怎么翻译? With the increasing age,we'll become much calmer.求采纳
求“目标,动力之源。冷静,沉着应对。”的英语翻译。谢谢 目标 goal动力之源 The source of power冷静 calm/calm down沉着应对 deal with it calmly
沉着冷静,胆大心细 用英语怎么说 As cool as cucumber沉着冷静bold but cautious胆大心细
请问”沉着冷静应试”翻译成英语该怎么说? take test calmly and collectedly.