《最爱女人购物狂》中的那首歌是谁唱的? 我要说的和上面一样,电影里截取了后面的一段,是修女也疯狂的《I will follow him》,上面说的很全了,没什么好补充的了。
张柏芝演的那个购物狂的电影叫什么 就叫 购物狂 二十多年2113前,一个充斥着各样名牌的百货公司5261内,发现一个三4102个月大的弃婴.这个弃婴叫方芳芳(张柏芝1653),长大后竟是一个购物狂,无法控制的购物欲,令芳芳经济陷于困境,更因此病而连番失业.芳芳痛定思痛,决定去看精神科医生.李简仁(刘青云)是城中专医购物狂的精神科医生,却又是个患有选择恐惧症的病人.在为芳芳看病时刚巧简仁的护士周佳生(邵美琪)早产,在芳芳的协助下,顺利产子.简仁治疗芳芳的病,解决芳芳失业的问题,芳芳则为简仁解决了在购物选择上的问题,两人互补不足,越来越合拍.没多久,芳芳遇上一个购物时喜欢与人家抢买东西,抢到东西又后悔的何穷富(陈小春),芳芳认定穷富同样有购物狂症状,建议穷富看医生,但穷 收起
电影天生购物狂里的插曲的歌名是? I WILL FOLLOW HIM 是I LL FOLLOW HIM 是2006年刘青云。陈小春、张柏芝主演的那场:《天生购物狂》又名〈最爱女人购物狂〉里面接新娘时。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号
购物狂的所有背景音乐 i will follow him 歌曲下载地址:http://school.ecp.com.cn/download/music/040412.mp3 i will follow him follow him wherever he may go and near him i always will be for nothing can keep me away he is my destiny i will follow him ever since he touched my heart i knew there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away away from his love i love him,i love him,i love him and where he goes i'll follow,i'll follow i will follow him follow him,wherever he may go there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away follow him follow him wherever he may go there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love oh,yes,i love him i'm gonna follow he'll always be my true love from now until forever if i love him i'll follow him there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love记得采纳啊
电影购物狂的主题曲和插曲名叫什么? i will follow him(购物狂〉插曲<;br/>;原来是小平呀!
电影《天生购物狂》里的钢琴插曲(片尾曲):修女也疯狂 的i will follow him 。在哪下载?谢谢! http://music.baidu.com/search?key=I%20Will%20Follow%20Him&fm=altg4
天生购物狂主题曲是谁唱 TWINS记得采纳啊