爷爷星期四你做什么的英语 求翻译,let,stalk。


爷爷,你在星期四做什么?(翻译英文) grandpa/grandfather,what are you doing on thursday?

爷爷星期四你做什么的英语 求翻译,let,stalk。

英语翻译 1.Miss White and Sarah plan to go to the cinema tonight.2.We are going to visit my grandmother and grandfather next week.3.what do you plan to do tomorrow moning?4.It is going to rain tomorrow5.I wil.

爷爷星期四你做什么的英语 求翻译,let,stalk。

你星期四下午要干什么?有英语怎么说 what are you going to do on thursday afternoon?

爷爷星期四你做什么的英语 求翻译,let,stalk。

周四你有什么课?用英语怎么说 what lessons do you have on Thursday?

同学问你星期四有什么课,用英语怎么说 You calssmate ask you which class you will have on Teusday?

爷爷,你在星期四做什么?(翻译英文)grandpa/grandfather,what are you doing on thursday?

爷爷你每周四都做什么用英语说怎么说 What does your grandpa do on Thursday?what do sb do+时间状语:某人什么时间干什么?只用what do sb do可表示:某人是干什么工作的

求翻译,let,stalk。 约翰:爷爷!来看这张照片!爷爷:真棒!你周四都有些什么课?约翰:数学,英语和音乐课。爷爷:噢,我喜欢音乐。你的音乐老师是谁?约翰:Young先生(杨先生?爷爷:他很严厉吗?约翰:不,他很幽默。那么,您周四都做些什么呢,爷爷?爷爷:唔,我周四跟你奶奶上烹饪课。约翰:哈哈!

