我还会做许多运动例如游泳跳舞跑步打篮球等等用英语怎么写 比如说跑步打篮球用英语怎么说


英语翻译 I like sports such as playing basketball,running,swimming and so on.Wish you a success.If you work hard,you dream will come true one day.Her son has already grown to 180 centimenters tall.The kid was lucky enough to survive in this earthquake.He rode the bike as fast as possible so as not to be late.Although it's been like this,he finally catches up with others.I have a friend called Mark.

我还会做许多运动例如游泳跳舞跑步打篮球等等用英语怎么写 比如说跑步打篮球用英语怎么说

英语翻译 I like sports such as running,ice-skating,basketball ect.But I like swimming best.I have been greatly interested in swimming since my father took me to the swimming pool to practice.I once compete in.

我还会做许多运动例如游泳跳舞跑步打篮球等等用英语怎么写 比如说跑步打篮球用英语怎么说


我还会做许多运动例如游泳跳舞跑步打篮球等等用英语怎么写 比如说跑步打篮球用英语怎么说

我们学校有很多体育项目,例如,打篮球,打羽毛球,跑步等。用英语怎么翻译? 我们学校有很多体育项目,例如,打篮球,打羽毛球,跑步等。Our school has a lot of P.E.programmes,such as playing basketball,playing badminton,running and so on.

经常做运动.像跑步,游泳,打篮球.用英语怎么说 doing sports very often,such as running,swimming and playing basketball不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢。

每天运动一小时,如跑步、打篮球、打网球等 用英语怎么说 Exercising one hour everyday,such as running,playing basketball and playing tennis


