英语作文:慰问信(朋友在车祸中胳膊受伤了) I will feel most blessed.As far as social life is concerned,simplicity is what I intend to pursue,so I really don't need too many friends.All these will be mere talk if I am idle now.To attain my goal,I must make a point of training my body and mind.This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top.That is not only a competition of physical strength and mental power,but a marathon of patience,faith,and perseverance.Life is not all roses,but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school,I surely deserve a promising prospect.用英语写给病人慰问信范文 Dear MaryAre you better now?We are very concern about you.When we heard you hurt in a car accident,we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears.But luckily you were not badly hurt.We will go and see you after school and please don't be nervous and worry about you study.We will help you with your lessons.You'd better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon.YoursDear Same:I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in,and I am sorry about your hurted leg,and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days.At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health.,and that you will soon be out and about again.With kind regards,Yours sincerely,John英语写作 写一封慰问信给生病的朋友王晶 有字数限制吗?Dear Wangjing, I am very sorry to know that you have a cold.How are you now?Have you taken the medicine Pls take some medicine and have a good 。用英语写给病人慰问信范文 Dear MaryAre you better now?We are very concern about you.When we heard you hurt in a car accident,we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears.But luckily you were not badly hurt.We will.用英语写给病人慰问信范文 英文慰问信的写作格式,英文慰问信范文慰问信(Notes of Sympathy on Illness,Injury and Material loss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信表示慰问.慰问信要写的真诚,.
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