你看没有任何事挡得住爱情里昂 这个杀手不太冷 有哪些经典语录?


你知道有那些剧情平平无奇,台词却让你感触颇深的电影? 一、《胭脂扣》1.这便是爱情:大概一千万人之中,才有一双梁祝,才可以化蝶。其他的只化为蛾、蟑螂、蚊蚋…电影《这个杀手不太冷》经典台词有哪些?女主角是谁 女主角是:娜塔莉.波特曼 望采纳1、我必须随时掌握这一行的最新动态,那就是为什么我到现在还能待在这儿。I gotta know where everything is all the time.I never leave this place,except to go from here to there.2、是爱情使一切看起来都不一样。Love has made me see things In a different way.3、我已经决定好我以后的人生了,我想当一个杀手。I've decided what to do with my life.I wanna be a cleaner.4、如果你要救我 你必须要救得有意义,如果你现在要丢下我不管,就跟你昨天没有开门是一样的,跟让我死在你面前一样。If you saved my life,you must've saved it for a good reason.If you throw me out now,it's like you never opened your door like you,let me die right there in front of it.5、嘿 这是你的钱 我只是帮你保管,就像银行一样 甚至比银行更安全。It's your money.I'm just holding it for you,like a bank.Except better than a bank.6、事情总是这样的只有当你真正感受到对死亡的恐惧,你才会学到要珍惜生命。It's always the same thing.It's when you start to become really afraid of death…that you learn to 。这个杀手不太冷经典台词? 1、我必须随时掌握这一行的最新动态,那就是为什么我到现在还能待在这儿。I gotta know where everything is all the time.I never leave this place,except to go from here to there.2、是爱情使一切看起来都不一样。Love has made me see things In a different way.3、我已经决定好我以后的人生了,我想当一个杀手。I've decided what to do with my life.I wanna be a cleaner.4、如果你要救我 你必须要救得有意义,如果你现在要丢下我不管,就跟你昨天没有开门是一样的,跟让我死在你面前一样。If you saved my life,you must've saved it for a good reason.If you throw me out now,it's like you never opened your door like you,let me die right there in front of it.5、嘿 这是你的钱 我只是帮你保管,就像银行一样 甚至比银行更安全。It's your money.I'm just holding it for you,like a bank.Except better than a bank.6、事情总是这样的只有当你真正感受到对死亡的恐惧,你才会学到要珍惜生命。It's always the same thing.It's when you start to become really afraid of death…that you learn to appreciate life.7、你什么人都杀吗?不杀女人。这个杀手不太冷 有哪些经典语录? 1、人生总是那么痛苦吗?还是只有小时候是这样?总是如此。2、有些爱,也许从未说出口,才愈加显得…为什么《这个杀手不太冷》结尾处,里昂已经成功脱险了却又折返回去? 他必须回去,一方面体力已经不支了,另一方面去解决后患,让那个爱他的,他爱的小女孩从此能安全的活下去…


