我们尽量不外出英文 英语翻译


比如说翻译:与其说我喜欢出去游玩,不如说我喜欢去户外呼吸新鲜空气 Instead of saying I like to go outside and play,I'd rather say I like to go outside and get some fresh air.与其去购物,我还不如去散步I'd rather go for a walk instead of going shopping.

我们尽量不外出英文 英语翻译

帮忙找一些外出旅游用得着的英语句子 A black fell into water,and a white cat saved it.Guess what did it say to the white cat?Miaow.

我们尽量不外出英文 英语翻译

英语作文 First Go back to home at time when school is off or contact with parents.Second Don't go outside yourself,especially at night.Third Don't idle about street corners too late.Fourth Don't accept str.

我们尽量不外出英文 英语翻译

在平时上课的晚上,我们也不可以外出.用英语怎么说? We aren't allowed to go out_at_night_on_weekdays_.平时上课,指的是工作日 weekdays,即周一到周五.

“因为昨天下雨,我决定呆在家里不外出”的英文翻译是什么 I decided to stay at home because of the rain outside yesterday.

英语翻译 1我们不会让她在晚上外出的(have)We don't have her go out at night.2你不能让孩子在这小的年纪就抽烟(have)You don't have the child smoke at such a young age.3他每个月理一次发.He has his hair cut every m.


