八年级上册英语中学教材全解第八单元的短语和用法!!!!!!拜托!!!!!!! 中学教材全解8年级英语



八年级上册英语中学教材全解第八单元的短语和用法!!!!!!拜托!!!!!!! 中学教材全解8年级英语

八年级上册英语中学教材全解第八单元的短语和用法是什么?,,,,,,,,,,,拜托!!!! 语言目标描述一个过程;遵从指示词 汇SECTION A名词:blender 食物搅拌器,yogurt 酸奶,honey 蜂蜜,watermelon 西瓜,spoon 勺;调羹,pot 锅,salt 食盐,sugar 食糖,cheese 干酪;奶酪,popcorn 爆米花,corn 玉米;谷物,machine 机器;机械装置,hole 洞;孔;坑动词:peel 剥皮;去皮,pour 倒出;倾倒,add 增加;dig 掘;凿;挖副词:finally 最后;最终兼类词:shake n.&v.摇动;抖动SECTION B 名词:sandwich 夹心面包片;三明治,butter 黄油;奶油,turkey 火鸡,lettuce 莴苣;生菜,piece 片;块;段,Thanksgiving 感恩节,autumn 秋天;秋季,gravy 肉汁traveler 漂泊者;旅行者;游客,England 英格兰,pepper 甜椒;柿子椒,oven 烤箱;烤炉,plate 盘子;碟子,temperature 温度;气温;体温动词:celebrate 庆祝;庆贺,mix 混合;融合,fill 充满;装满,serve 接待;服务;提供形容词:traditional 传统的;惯例的兼类词:cover v.遮盖;覆盖 n.覆盖物;盖子短 语SECTION A milk shake 奶昔,turn on 接通;打开SECTION B a piece of…一片…,mix up 混合交际用语1.How do you make a banana milk shake?你如何做。

八年级上册英语中学教材全解第八单元的短语和用法!!!!!!拜托!!!!!!! 中学教材全解8年级英语

中学教材全练英语八年级上册答案 It is known to all that Michael Jackson is the great musical artist.Though he has passed away,still a lot of people remember him all the time.When I was in primary school,some day I was on my way home,then I stopped in front of a small shop,because I was attracted by the playing video.A man was singing and dancing while the zombies coming to him.I liked this music video so much,the atmosphere was so tense that it caught my attention.Then I started to know this man,he was the great singer Michael Jackson.This is my memory about him,a man who is so talented and created his time.

八年级上册英语中学教材全解第八单元的短语和用法!!!!!!拜托!!!!!!! 中学教材全解8年级英语

八年级上册英语中学教材全解五单元的短语应用和用法聚焦的内容。.跪求啊 八年级5单元大归纳 基础知识【短语归纳】1.think of认为 2.learn from从…获得;向…学习 3.find out查明;弄清楚 4.talk show谈话节目 5.game show游戏节目 6.soap opera。


