同学留言 英文 不要太长 最好是一句一句的 带翻译 We are both looking forward with anxiety when we are young.And one day we'll look back with enjoyment when we are old。今天我们借着年轻共勉前进,他日,回首往事你我当无怨无悔。(中英都是自己想的,请多指教)
同学录留言 英文 不要太长 最好是一句一句的 带翻译 May the joy and happiness around you today and always.愿快乐幸福永伴你左右.It's joy to know you,wishing the nicest things always for you,not only today,but all the year through because you are really.
留言板用英文怎么说 message board例:1.加入百一个留言板,谈书籍,了解度别人.Join a message board that talks about books and get to know others there.2.网上聊天知、留言板警告.Chat Line And Message Board Warnings.3.我们极力推荐道所有潜在的回志愿者注册并使答用留言板。We highly encourage all potential volunteers to sign up for and use the message board.
祝你在今后的生活一帆风顺,学习天天向上,身体健康,万事如意,还要记得笑口常开,希望我们能做一辈子的朋友。 既然是毕业留言,就应该这么写:Best wishes for you,Every success in the future,Goodgoodstudy,daydayup,(这句经典一定要写上哦)and good health,Everything goes well,Remember smile all the day,Be friends all our life。