吃中午饭的英文怎么写 吃中午饭 Have lunch有一天都把我吓到不敢回家吃中午饭。One day I was so afraid to go back home to eat lunch.2如果我们计划今天把这事做完,就只好放弃吃中午饭的时间。
吃中午饭的英文怎么写 Eat lunch有一天都把我吓到不敢回家吃中午饭。One day I was so afraid to go back home to eat lunch.如果我们计划今天把这事做完,就只好放弃吃中午饭的时间。If we are going to finish this today,we'll have to forgo our lunch hour.
“在吃完中午饭之后”用英语怎么说? after lunch 以后有什么问题找我,我是英语教师的女儿,
之后我们一起吃午饭的英语怎么? we had lunch together afterward 如果能帮到你,请好评一个,谢谢
吃中午饭英文怎么说 Have lunch;我们一起去吃午饭吧:Let's go for lunch.