我幻想我在一个森林的英文怎么说 英语翻译既然不能,就请别给我幻想用英文怎么说?


英语翻译 These are just some of my fantasies,but I think,in any case,the future is an unknown,no one can predict what will happen later?May be unfortunate,perhaps unexpected happy event,perhaps we dream of,in.

我幻想我在一个森林的英文怎么说 英语翻译既然不能,就请别给我幻想用英文怎么说?

英语翻译 我有一个浪漫的梦想,我想这或许是跟我喜爱美好事物的性格有关.我总是这样幻想着:我要拥有一座两层的木板房,房屋四周都是绿色的植物和大大的落地窗,阳光能够洒进屋里的每一个角落.它最好坐落在一条街的拐角处,因为这样能让人们注意到它,在门口,我要用一块木板做招牌,上面写着:“The coffe shop filled with memoirs”,是的你没猜错,我的梦想是拥有这样的一间咖啡屋.在一楼的中间,有一堵墙,它是用来记录客人的心情的.我们为客人准备便签,当客人来到店里,写下心情把它贴在墙上,不论写的是希望,祝福,或者仅仅只是抱怨.而当我有空的时候,我可以看看别人的内心,我想这是一件非常有意义的事.我还想养一只可爱的狗,在有阳光的日子,我可以坐在落地窗旁,晒着太阳,跟狗狗玩耍.我想,再没有比这更美好的生活了.正因为这个梦想,所以我更加努力学习,我相信总有一天会实现.翻译:I have a romantic dream,now I think this may be my favorite character of the good things about.I always imagined:I want to have a two-story barrack,housing surrounded by green plants and big windows,the sun streaming into the house to every corner.It is best located in a corner of the 。

我幻想我在一个森林的英文怎么说 英语翻译既然不能,就请别给我幻想用英文怎么说?


我幻想我在一个森林的英文怎么说 英语翻译既然不能,就请别给我幻想用英文怎么说?

我幻想一下 用英语怎么说


英语翻译 There is a tiny hope on the bottom of my mind that my beloved one will accept my heart one day.But I know clearly that this hope might be a fantacy forever.The only thing I can do is to love her silen.

英语翻译 When I was a child,I admired the dincing girls in TV very much,for their graceful poises were so beautiful that they just liked the angels(were dancing).I imagined that one day I would dance just as they did.So I started learning dance when I was quite young.Though there was much hardships,I never gave up.For I have dreamed that one day I could show my graceful dancing poise in the world stage.In my junior and senior middle shool,I joied a lot of dancing preformances.I enjoyed myself great deal when I was whirling round the dance floor,and I was very happy at that time.I think that each day I am dancing to realize my dream gradually.I think every one should have his own dream,because dream is the motivity of one's progress.A person with dream will have a woderful future.Now I study in the university and still I have persisted in my dream-dancing,and I have joined the dance club.I feel that in my life I cannot stop dancing.Only dance could show my colorful life.I firmly believe that 。

英语翻译 maybe someday we each will be missingbut you should know once I had the feeling of you


