
五年级人教版小学英语课外作业第十页第五题 I get up at 6:00 I eat breakfast at 7:00 I study at 8:30 I play football at 4:00 I have PE class at 5:20 小学五年级,想在课外多学一些英语,要如何安排? 有这么优秀的孩子真值得骄傲!小学阶段还是主张用快乐学习法比较好,建议可以识读初中的词汇,但要避免过多的学习一些枯燥的语法,可以读一些英语经典阅读增加词汇量,孩子玩中学,学中玩,这样既增加词汇量又得到一些智慧的启迪。建议报读一个口语训练班,让孩子听说读写齐头并进,孩子有扎实的书写功底,让他快乐的用英语表达心中想说的话吧! 急啊~~~!有没有课外积累的英语句子?【五年级】 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老,直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老. A lazy youth,a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. Life is a long journey.Don't waste your time waiting for people who are not willing to walk with you. 生活是一场漫长的旅行,不要浪费时间,去等待那些不愿与你携手同行的人. Life is a leaf of paper white,there on each of us may write his word or two. 生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上自己的一两句话. God gives answers in three ways:He says yes and gives you what you want.He says no and gives you something better.He says wait and gives you the best. 上帝用三种方式作答:他点头给你想要的;他摇头给你更好的;他让你等,就给你最棒的. The power lies in time:the end of the imperial who wanted;The truth to sunlight,the false lie.时间的威力在于:结束帝王们的争战;把真理带到阳光下,把虚假的谎言揭穿.(莎士比亚) No matter what terrible things happen to you today,you should'n feel sorrowful.It ... 关于学校课外活动的英语作文 We have a lot of activities after school.All of us enjoy them very much.We can improve ourselves and keep healthy by them.For example,on January 15 there is an Art Festival.That day we can see lots of shows.On May 5 we have a school trip.We can go somewhere beautiful.There is a Chinese Speech on May 30.It's good for our language learning.My favorite Basketball Game is on October 2 and we can have an Party on December 10.They are interesting and we love them. 小学五年级上什么英语课外班好 是重点班学生,可以找点6年级的文章问题补充:大家可以再找吗?是小学五年级英语四六级课本 故事性强一点的就可以了,最好是能贴近生活的 参加课外活动的好处 英语作文 Some students like to participate actively in after class activities.They think after class activities are an integral part of school life.By going in for such activities,they can learn what they can't learn from books,which will be beneficial to them in the future. Others,however,don't like after class activities at all.They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else.Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school. In my opinion,every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms.School is not just a place for learning the difference between\"lie\"or\"lay\",or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.Finally,after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances.No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities. 英语作文我的课余生活10句 I have a lot of things to do in my free time.Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some. 六年级英语作文(不少于40个单词)我的课余生活 My life after school is of colour and variety,get on the Internet, read a book,paint painting.These all are that I am fond of the thing composing after school. Getting on the Internet is my delighted thing.I like a net looking at English animated cartoon,primary and secondary school students composition etc.,there are a lot of knowledge being at school short of in classroom on net. Reading a book is one of my delighted thing. I tell you what!The book I am liked to look at very many,has:The encyclopaedia,the big mound decline to laugh at biography,our for loving science,the cartoon book.Have painted painting being the thing that my amateur life can't be seprated from most.Our studio has turned on a website,your work being able to see me in there.I like to have drawn mermaid most.Because of she is very beautiful lovable.Is schoolmates,your life after school the woollen cloth how to arrange for?You also can be trying writing your life after school, exchange an once coming us!... 五年级上册课外英语小文章.小短文 My favourite animal This is my favourite animal. It is a dog. It is white and brown. It can run fast. Its eyes are big and brown. Its tail is long. I like it. My favourite place This is my favourite piace. It is an Ocean Park. It is big. It's in HongKong. There is the Ocean Theatre. There is the Butterfly House. I like Ocean Park. My day This is my day. I get up at six o'clock. I go to school at seven o'clock. I go home at four o'clock. I go to bed at nine o'clock. I am busy but I am happy. 关于课外活动的英语作文 Our Out-of-class ActivitiesNowadays and schools encourage their students to take part in after-class activities.As everyone knows,just like study in class,after-class activities play an impo.


