按时做运动英语 英语翻译


英语翻译 First,rational dietSecond,exercise regularlyThird,limit alcohol and stop smoking Fourth,psychological balanceFifth,manage yourselfSixth,seek medical advice timely

按时做运动英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 1、我将信守诺言,按时完成任务(keep word)i will keep my word,and finish the mission on time.2、他没有邀请我产假他的生日晚会,这伤了我的感情(hurt)he didn't invite me to his birthday party and that hurt my alot.3、我和我的笔友通过电子邮件,彼此保持联系(keep in touch)i keep in touch with my pen pals via email.4、前天她因病没去上班(because of)because of illness,she didn't go to work the day before yesterday.5、他们已经决定把运动会推迟到下周二(put off)they decided to put off the sports meet till next tuesday.

按时做运动英语 英语翻译

英语书面表达开运动会的通知谢谢 The school will be held from September 28 to 29,hold the sports meet in the school playground,at eight o 'clock the opening ceremony and then is the player in order.An opening eech.Gymnastics show.

按时做运动英语 英语翻译

每天早晨6:30按时起床,做半个小时运动,晚饭后散步一个小时左右。英语怎么说? Get up on time every morning at 6:30,do half an hour of exercise,walk for about an hour after dinner.

英语翻译 We want to recommend Simon to achieve the most helpful student award this year.We should consider others first when getting in troubles.He spent many time in the Love Club every week.The teacher tells.


英语翻译 Rest,daily household chores to help parents learn new knowledge,to prepare for the next semester,appropriate exercise to maintain good health when they go out to pay attention to safety,time to go hom.

关于运动的所有英语词语 关于有的英语单词,1、basketball篮球2、swimming游泳3、cycling自行车4、Running跑步5、fencing6、Skiing这些单词都是比较常用的。

以My healthy habits 为题的英文书面表达 My healthy habitsAs the time by,and people live without sports.And their heathy will be worse and worse.In my opinion,form a good habit to keep health is very important.Firstly,I think in sports,you should do exercises or run or even you can walk on the stairs in the morning.Second drink or eat in the same time,and eat anything what they can eat besides what you don't like.Also you should eat vergetable.Third,get up early and sleep early,have a good sleep on time.That is my healthy habits,just keep it everytime and I think you can health.都是我写的,亲.也不知道有没有语法错误.尽请原谅。

(1)当表演者穿过公园时你在干什么英语怎么说 1.what were you doing when the actors went across the park?2.How long does it take flying to Beijing?3.there will be a sport meeting next wednesday.4.it seems that i can't arrive there in time.5.how many scenic spots of China have you been?6.This place used to be home of wild animals which has been changed into a farm.


