欧莱雅的核心竞争力 怎么判断自己是否适合做快消行业市场类工作?


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欧莱雅的核心竞争力 怎么判断自己是否适合做快消行业市场类工作?

怎么判断自己是否适合做快消行业市场类工作? 有问题欢迎到值乎上问我https://www.zhihu.com/zhi? __pathname__=%2Fzhi%2Fpeople%2F723274743259631616 ? 218 ? ? 11 条评论 ? ? ? 喜欢 ? 。

欧莱雅的核心竞争力 怎么判断自己是否适合做快消行业市场类工作?


欧莱雅的核心竞争力 怎么判断自己是否适合做快消行业市场类工作?

帮忙翻译下面几段话,是论文摘要,很急,谢谢。麻烦各位。 In this paper,human resources management in staff recruitment for the study.The competitiveness of enterprises has evolvedTalent competition,human resources as the core competitiveness of enterprises,only qualified personnel to support the business of theStrategic stages of development.Recruitment of human resource management activities as a fundamental aspect,it is the enterpriseAccess to human resources industry a major source of competitive advantage.Therefore,the success of recruitment related to the businessSurvival and development,whereas the recruitment failure will bring huge business losses.Thus,corporate human resourcesSource management staff recruitment has important significance.In this paper,the way theory and practice of a study.Literature study and theoretical analysis of the system is mainlyAccess to human resources management in the recruitment of the theory of literature,analysis of absorption of research results.ExampleL'Oreal company mainly through 。

