周六上午我打算在家做家务的英文 谁可以给我一篇为父母做家务的60词的英语作文在家做家务,谈体会,还有打算署假为家里做什么


有时我会帮妈妈做家务 请帮忙翻译成英文 Sometimes,I will help my mother do some housework.

周六上午我打算在家做家务的英文 谁可以给我一篇为父母做家务的60词的英语作文在家做家务,谈体会,还有打算署假为家里做什么


周六上午我打算在家做家务的英文 谁可以给我一篇为父母做家务的60词的英语作文在家做家务,谈体会,还有打算署假为家里做什么

帮妈妈分担家务,周末打扫房间,英语作文,80词(带翻译) Today is Sunday.I got up very early,because I wanted to help my mother with the housework.She worked vey hard on weekdys,but she still have to do many houseworks after work.So I decided to help her.When my mum went to the market,I began to clean the house.I swept the floor,washed the dishes,dusted the tables.When my came back home,I was still washing my coat.My mum was very happy.译文:今天是星期日.我很早就起床了,因为我想帮妈妈做家务.她在周一到周六工作非常努力,但她工作后仍然要做很多家务.所以我决定帮助她.当我妈妈去市场,我开始打扫房子.我扫地,洗碗,打扫桌子.当我回到家的时候,我还在洗我的衣服.我的妈妈非常高兴.

周六上午我打算在家做家务的英文 谁可以给我一篇为父母做家务的60词的英语作文在家做家务,谈体会,还有打算署假为家里做什么

英语翻译 参考如下:Hi,Tom。This is Tony,thank you very much for your invitation.I'd love to go but I am really fully scheduled this weekend.On Saturday,I will attend piano classes in the morning and help.


我能帮妈妈做家务(用英语说) I can help my mother to do some housework.I can help my mother do some housework.I can help my mother with housework.help 的三种不同用法呢.望采纳哟

周末我经常在家帮妈妈做家务用英语句子怎么表示? I usually help my mom do some housework on weekends

英语翻译 1.Jim did housework at home last Saturday.2.I went skateboarding with my friends last weekend.3.It snowed last month.4.My elder brother came yesterday.5.Did you plant trees yesterday?6.I went to the z.



