亲~帮忙翻译下吧,翻译成英语,急需!!翻得好有加分~~~ 很巧,前段时间无意中学到一个很专业的单词叫receiver,即为破产管理人,当然也可以译为bankruptcy administrator,这个你随意吧~Hope I can be of assistance.Abstract:For the purpose of preserving creditor's property,protecting creditor's interests,and facilitating smooth bankruptcy proceedings,the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of People's Republic of China introduced the international recognized receiver system.This article makes an in-depth analysis on the central role that receiver plays in the bankruptcy proceedings,elaborates the election and appointment system,rights and obligations of receiver and its supervision system that explained in both domestic and foreign laws,and then proceeds to indicate the lack of this system in our country's laws.Moreover,it is suggested that a receiver operational mechanism that suits our country should be built by designing systems,such as improving receiver qualification access system,constructing provisional receiver system,and setting up special 。
破产管理人制度(一) 本章分两节论述破产管理人制度。第一节论述破产管理人的法律地位问题。首先,本节介绍了破产管理人制度的起源,然后,明确了破产管理人的概念。破产管理人,在我国立法中。
什么是破产管理人? 我国破产法关于破产管理人刑事责任的规定我国2004年6月《企业破产法(草案)》规定了破产管理人制度,同时也规定了破产管理人的刑事责任,具体条款是第十章“法律责任。
破产管理人选任的时间及临时财产管理人制度 研究我国现行立法可知,虽然我国现行破产法关于破产程序之开始采用的是受理开始主义,但其关于破产管理人的选任时间却存在许多问题。对债权人利益的保护不周密,没有建立。