英语作文《我的周末计划》50个单词 我打算在星期六早上读单词书


英语作文《我的周末计划》50个单词 In this weekend,I have a plan,if tomorrow is a sunny day。Saturday morning,I am going to visit my grandparents。after lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and football.At night,I can stay home and watch cartoons。Sunday,I will go fishing with dad.After that I will go home to do my homework。I hope this weekend I can live very happy!在这个周末我有个计划,如果明天是晴天的话。星期六的早上,我将要去看望我的外祖父母,午饭后我要和我的好朋友们一起去看电影和踢足球。晚上,我可以在家看卡通片。星期日,我要去和爸爸一起钓鱼。在那以后我将要回家写我的家庭作业。我希望这个周末我能够过的很快乐!望采纳!

英语作文《我的周末计划》50个单词 我打算在星期六早上读单词书

英语作文:用一般将来时 be going to.写70字左右 Next Saturday,we're going to go picnic on the West Mountain.We plan to ride bycicles to there,and we will gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m.on Saturday.Michael prepares to take his camera,and I'm going to wear sunglasses and take some food and drinks.Maris is going to cook for us,and Jane plans to fly a kate.Lily is going to sing and dance.I believe we will have a good time together.十分真心少.一个一个字码出来的,而且按照你的意思一句一句对准翻译出来的.

英语作文《我的周末计划》50个单词 我打算在星期六早上读单词书

星期一到星期六用英语怎么写? 星期e69da5e887aa62616964757a686964616f31333431353933一 Monday、星期二 Tuesday、星期三 Wednesday、星期四 Thursday、星期五 Friday、星期六 Saturday、星期日 Sunday。词汇解析1、Monday英[?m?nde?;?m?ndi]美[?m?nde;?m?nd?]n.星期一例:I went back to work on Monday.我星期一回去上班了。例:The first meeting of the group took place last Monday.该集团的第一次会议于上周一召开。2、Tuesday英['tju?zde?;d?]美[?tuzd?;de]n.星期二例:He phoned on Tuesday,just before you came.他星期二打了电话,刚好在你来之前。例:Talks are likely to start next Tuesday.会谈可能在下星期二开始。3、Wednesday英[?wenzde?]美[?w?nzde]n.星期三例:Come and have supper with us on Wednesday,if you're free.星期三过来和我们一起吃晚饭,如果有空的话。例:Did you happen to see her leave last Wednesday?上星期三你正好碰巧看见她离开?4、星期四 Thursday英['θ??zde?];美['θ??rzde?]例:I'm usually free between Tuesday and Thursday.我通常在星期二至星期四有空。5、Friday英[?fra?de?]n.星期五例。

英语作文《我的周末计划》50个单词 我打算在星期六早上读单词书

星期一至星期日的英语单词怎么读 Sunday/?s?ndei/星期日Monday/?m?ndei/星期一Tuesday/?tu:zdei/星期二Wednesday/?wenzdei/星期三Thursday/θ?:rzdei/星期四Friday/?fraidei/星期五Saturday/?s?t?rdei/星期六拓展资料1、Sunday英[?s?nde?;?s?ndi]美[?s?nde;?s?ndi]n.星期日;礼拜日短语1)Bloody Sunday 血腥星期日;流血星期日;血色星期天;血腥星期天2)Sunday Times 星期日泰晤士报;星期泰晤士报;星期日时报;周日时报3)Sunday School 主日学;主日学校;星期学校;星期日学校4)Sunday Silence 周日宁静;周日安好5)Sunday Topics 周日话题;周曰话题6)Rainy Sunday 下雨的星期日;下雨的星期天;下雨的礼拜日;下雨的星期曰7)Sunday features 周日特刊;星期日特刊8)Sunday newspaper 星期日报;日曜日报;礼拜日报9)Sunday Express 周日快报;星期日快报;星期天快报;周日快讯双语例句1)We work every day except Sunday.除了星期日,我们每天都上班。2)Don't you find that Sunday just fly by?你不认为星期日像飞一样就过去了?3)The London Symphony Orchestra broadcasts every Sunday on London Station.伦敦交响乐团每星期日都在伦敦电台演出节目。。


